
13 quick pointers to keep your children safe from abuse

We are living in the most insane age where humanity has lost its roots and it’s maddening outside. All of us are dealing with insecurities of sorts, be it about our future, our career or even safety of our possessed ones. It’s a dark age where we are rendering helpless before social predators and making desperate attempts to envelope those who matter to us. Shameful, as it may sound, even our children are not safe and they are being robbed of their innocence and incorruptibility. Helpless parents are queuing up to counsellors to hang on to some form of hope.

It was one of the heart- ripping episodes of Satyamev Jayate which showcased instances of child abuse and how it could happen to any child-gender no bar. It’s high time we accept the presence of this social evil and prudently find ways to avert it.

  1. It starts with cultivating an open and friendly relationship with your child. You need to get talking to your children and have them re-assured time and again that they can always count on you. While its important to discipline your child, do not be too harsh or resort to punishments every time as this may make them discreet in their approach and not share their problems with you.
  2. Understand that it may not always take a stranger to play the demon but most times it’s a known person who commits the crime. He may be a family person, a friend, a teacher or a relative who has an easy access to the child. He’s often good at handling kids and easily becomes their favoured one.
  3. It’s important as a parent to stay on guard with individuals who try to spend time alone with your child. These people may find ways to lure kids with gifts and stuff.
  4. Have a nose for trouble and proactively sense situations which could put your child into trouble. Check details on friends of your children and most importantly the ones where your kids wish to go and spend time. In cases of night camps always check on whois accompanying the kids.
  5. As a parent stay abreast on the warning signs and keep a tab on your child’s conduct. If you notice any sudden unexplainable change in his behaviour immediately consult your paediatrician. These could range from mood swings, night mares or fears which are abrupt.
  6. There are plenty of workshops now for children of all ages to keep them aware of child-abuse. Get your kids enrolled into one in case you find it difficult to talk things out with them. Experts train young kids in these workshops on situations and how to stay safe. Teach your kids about good and bad touch early.
  7. Teach your kids that its okay to say ‘No’ if someone makes them uncomfortable and exit from the scene. Its equally important to take your child into confidence and let him/her confide in you in case there has been some unforeseen event.
  8. Its very vital to trust your child and believe him if he narrates an incident. Our immediate response is disbelief but do give your child benefit-of-doubt. When your child says he’s uncomfortable with XYZ, believe him and do not force your opinions on him.
  9. Encourage your child to speak the truth even when its unpleasant and appreciate events where he displays honesty. This gives child an empathetic ear and he usually tries to confide in his confidant.
  10. However passé it sounds, teach your child to stay vary of strangers. Coin a code-word with your child and in times when someone needs to pick the kid up, use these code-words to ensure no stranger tries to lure the child.
  11. Anatomy lessons to kids are extremely crucial. Here use the correct term for private body parts so that they are able to narrate details of any uncomfortable touch if required.
  12. Discourage environment where kids hug or kiss our relatives or friends even at the cost of appearing unfriendly to all and sundry.
  13. In case where abuse has happened and reported by the child, do not hide behind those net curtains with any shame or embarrassment, here its extremely critical to stand by your child and nab the culprit to exhibit that you can take care of your kid. Consult child-abuse helplines and talk to counsellors to help the kid get over the trauma.

The current child-abuse pattern is awfully upsetting and every new case shakes ones faith in innate goodness of human beings. Its crucial to be vigilant and take precautions and stand by our kids rock-solid in times of unforeseen events. Its many-a-times our attitude towards situations that tells winners from losers. These events can scar children beyond comprehension so its critical to love and comfort them.

Don’t allow such setbacks to break your child rather make him/her emerge tougher than ever!

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