Editor's Pick

7 Remarkable Ways To Lead A Better Life. And It Ain’t Only Philosophy!

Life is nothing a big deal to be hedged in useless traps of complexities. I find an ant happiest among us, just because it has an ability to keep things simple. No matter how hard we blow it away, it toils hard to overcome every obstruction. Amidst the glittering world, we often find ourselves dark inside. This darkness becomes eternal in our personalities and we lose faith, hope & courage in life. There is no particular way, though, to head for a better life. Yet it’s on us, how far we can see out of nothing. Here are a few things that I feel about:


I had horrible dream last night, my dentist mistakenly plucked out a wrong teeth out of my jaws. Traumatised of pain and anger, I yelled on him furiously. Finally he decided to glue it back on my jaw, and off-course he couldn’t. It filled me up with utter disturbance and consternation. At last, I decided to consult another doctor and he was able to convince me that no one can put the teeth back. As soon as I have accepted the verdict, I got a new horizon to think how to deal better with it. Whether I should go for a implant and I should stop chewing from that side. Accept what life has to offer, overcome every fear, be courageous to deal with worst of life.

Never get down on knees, held your head high.
Shoot down the difficult, straight in the eye. 

Befriend Your Body

The function of our body is not just to carry our brain around but to keep it healthy and wise. Our body is only the physical existence of ours, it also can project confidence or timidity, power or weakness. Research shows that up to 93 percent of communication is non-verbal. Be good with your body and learn how to best project it to outer world. Exercise and meditate everyday to keep your body and mind healthy. A weak body and thoughtless mind is evil.

You’re Already Naked

External expectations, pride, and fear of embarrassment or failure all drop away in the face of death. Be spiritually enlighten and dwell with the foremost truth of life i.e. death. There is no moment next and maybe there is no next life too. “Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.”Steve Jobs quoted. Do whatever you want to do, live as if it is the last day of your life. Because….

I saw death knocking at my door-step
Asking me to get up & live the fullest

Let It Go

To discover your true self, let go of who you think you are. Let go of labels, the limiting beliefs, the ego & resistance, and the things you can’t control. Just let go. Let go everything that makes you worry and discourage you to grow in life. Be like a beggar in abundance and a king in destitution.

Be Kind

An act of kindness never goes wasted. Every single good-deed heals our broken side. Kindness is a food of soul, it is our subconscious purpose of existence, on earth, as a human-being. That’s how Emily Dickinson describe it:

If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain

Be Truthful, Loyal & Gentle

Character of a man is best adjudged when no one is actually looking at him, except his own consciousness. Staying loyal towards others is the true strength of character, and a weak character is death of a worthy existence. Be gentle to others, love them, have no grudges, overlook small things, stay warm & share big smiles.

Dream, Dream & Dream

Dream your best dreams and then dedicate yourself to making them real. Give your heart and life to your dreams. Build them for greater good, more than your own sake. Never let time to slip out of your vicinity. As Steve Jobs once said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.” When we pursue our dreams, we can see and express who we really are.

Note: Image used in this post is only for representational purpose.

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