
An Open Letter To The Rich Middle East In The Name Of Helpless Refugees And Allah

I started writing this article yesterday and when I was done with a paragraph, I read it and erased the entire paragraph. I thought that I am not doing justice to all those brothers and sisters of mine who are stranded in their own country, living like refugees in their own country and facing oppression, hunger and Allah knows what. It was hard for me to recollect a word from my vocabulary that would describe their pain, their sufferings, their inconsolable grief and I wouldn’t lie that I had none to do so. Twenty six alphabets are probably not sufficient enough to narrate their plight and describe what they are going through. If you are still wondering what I am writing about, this article is solely for the refugees and the crisis that has befallen on them as well as the world which seemed headless to their adversities until lately, until the social media was flooded with images of a toddler lying ashore, peacefully yet screaming and demanding answers.

I wouldn’t mention his name and I know for a fact that I don’t need to. For me he is a martyr and what he did, none could have imagined until now. His sacrifice has brought nations and continents to introspect the Refugee Crisis with another angle and find a viable solution to it. By the time I would be done with this article, there would have been gamut of tweets, status updates and probably eulogies in his name and I hope and pray that people will not stop at this and would stand up and do something, anything. The least they would do is voice their concerns regarding this global crisis and not let this movement subside unlike most of the campaigns that stood with great pomp, hype and support did.

There are various organisations and foundations which accept online donations and ensure that it reaches where it should reach. If we can spare hours to find matching earrings for our wives or a shoe that goes well with our suit, we can then surely spare at least a few minutes for such organisations and donate whatever is in our means. All it would take is a good and noble intent and a desire to help. If for some reasons we are not able to contribute to such organisations, we can at least inform people who can, like our relatives, neighbours and friends. Saying that we should also be aware of imposters who slyly feign to help an orphan or a widow and swindle money in their name and use it for their personal gains. Online donations are the backbone of such foundations and help programmes and we must at least try to help them stand straight with our little contributions.

Money alone can’t solve this problem and there is a dire need for the leaders and representatives of all countries to sit together and come out with a tactical solution for this problem. When I say countries, I am addressing also to the one’s who are responsible for creating this crisis and the one’s who have supported them all along. It is not hidden from any human being who thinks rationally and to any intellectual person that the US and it’s occupation in all the sovereign countries has laid it’s footsteps and has resulted in large scale destruction and has permeated anarchy in all those countries. Afghanistan and Iraq are live examples of this and now in that list lays Syria.

The US and its allies have blessed the world with the depraved and cruel al-qaeda and yet again they have blessed the world with vicious, callous and barbaric savages who kill vehemently in the name of religion and ironically claim to be an Islamic state whilst they are a million miles away from Islam and its teachings. These butchers have wreaked havoc in every place they have visited and they are the only reason people have left their peaceful homes and thus this Refugee Crisis was born.

The bloodstains are not only on the hands of the west but also on the so called peace loving and brotherly gulf countries who have provided the necessary affluence to the rebellion groups for causes known to the world. The very same gulf countries who have now turned deaf and dumb towards the Refugees and why not, after all these are affluent and rich countries and the refugees surely can never in their wildest dream to afford to stay in such prosperous and extravagant Islamic countries.

The refugees are risking everything, even their religion as reported in some newspapers to be allowed in any country that is providing asylum. So why are they acting foolish and drowning in the Mediterranean instead of going to these safe haven, these so called Islamic countries. It is only because they know the harsh reality of these countries, that they are like a tree that doesn’t provide shade, rest aside fruits and flowers. They know that the doors of these countries are not and would never open for them. They know that while they are walking barefoot in harsh climates and having meals on alternate days, there is a prince or a king out there holding lavish dinners. They know that while they long for a roof to cover their heads, someone out there is booking all the rooms of a five star hotel, not because he needs them but because his aristocratic morals would tarnish if he shares them with others.

Not all countries have an intransigent sense of pride because not all countries possess oil. The neighbouring Lebanon has accepted most of the Refugees whole heartedly. European Union spearheaded by Germany has displayed remarkable human sentiments by opening its borders for them. Germany’s efforts are notable and the gulf countries should now open their eyes and learn from them. The Indian subcontinent has registered large scale online support to the cause and I wish and pray that our government would not disappoint the oppressed travellers if they look towards India with hope.

The news of the Little Martyr spreading like a fire in a jungle made every country rise from its deep slumber and I hope collectively we would all find solutions to this great crisis. If every nation shares this great pain, it would surely evanesce and bring back smiles on each and every face. It is also high time for us to unanimously rise and raise our voices against all such Terrorist Organisations who are the reason of such crisis, we must abhor their actions and we must act as one single entity to fight against them, irrespective of our religion, ethnicity and language.

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