Education Society

Caste Based Reservation in India – Its hard hitting Facts and Political Failure

It makes me wonder that despite reaching Mars in its maiden attempt, we still haven’t granted the ISRO, the liberty to recruit their scientists on the basis of their talent as even this department of the Indian Government has to recruit the individuals not just on the basis of their talent, but by the virtue of their caste. I, the writer is not against caste but I am against caste based reservation, I believe that reservation for the financially weaker section is a better alternative.

There are reservations in the Municipal Corporations, Central/State Government Vacancies, Government Hospitals too have to recruit the Schedule Caste/ Schedule Tribes and Other Backward Classes to the extent of 49.5%, where 15% is for SCs, 7.5% for the STs and 27% for the OBCs, leaving behind a merely 50.5% for the Generals & Reserved both(if the reserved qualifies from general).

This reservation has reached to the premier educational institutes like Indian Institute of Technology where there is not only relaxation in the entrance exam by great margin, yet if the seats of the reserved category are not filled, the IIT trains them for a year and then admits them in regular course, its indeed generous of the IIT. The IIMs where the general category cut-off closes at 99 Percentile the lowest, a student of ST category was admitted at 38 percentile only. As a suggestion to the IIM, giving the unsubscribed reserved seats on the basis of ‘First Come, First Serve’ is not a bad idea if they can allot a seat on the grounds of 38 Percentile. The teachers too in these renowned institutes are recruited on the grounds of their caste.

The Article 15 of the Indian Constitution states that there should be no discrimination in individuals on the basis of their caste, creed or religion. The immediately following Article 16 in sharp contrast says that the government can form policies in the favour of backward class citizens, Yes, the term Favour is used in the article. This created room for the vote starving politicians to politicise the sensitive issue.

The ‘Behenji‘ of Uttar Pradesh introduced Reservation in Promotion for the reserved category in the State Government Jobs for her particular vote bank. The decision was rolled back by ‘Netaji‘ when his party came in power as it was not beneficial for his vote bank. The High Court did lay down some guidelines for the same issue but the public representatives always care less about the public as well as about their interest. In other states though, the reservation in promotion is common practise.

The Reservation Policy excludes the Sons/Daughters of People holding Constitutional Post, or are Member of UPSC, or other Group A or Group B Officers, Individuals  at rank of Colonel or above, CA’s or Tax Consultants, Film or Sports Personalities, Architects, Dentist, Media Professionals, or the Creamy Layer earning Rs.600,000 or more for 3 consecutive years. It is so because the government aims to help needy backward class individuals who are poor, but the system has totally failed to implement the policy in accordance to the intentions of the lawmakers.

This issue that can host endless debates is never picked up by the politicians for discussion with the fear of losing a considerable vote bank in the elections. There is an immediate need to realise that it’s not any caste that is weak but it’s their poverty that makes them frail in the competition. The only time the youth of the nation bothers about their caste is when they fill forms for colleges or for recruitments. This politically motivated reservation may eventually lead to immense frustration in the society that may again give birth to caste based discrimination.

There is a rebel from some students for the ongoing practises but I hope the government finds out a suitable solution at the earliest. It would be a way better, acceptable and inclusive decision if the reservation is done, not on the basis of caste but on the basis of the income of the family. The people below poverty line should be facilitated and motivated by providing them financial aid and reservation in all the fields as it prevails now, because in our country there is no bigger caste, creed or religion than poverty.

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