Rising Stories

Do This Rather Than Complaining And Cribbing About Things

Change is said to be the only constant of the universe. It is must, as every particle of universe tends to change at the very next moment. It is what is needed for survival of every race.

So from where this change comes from? Is it just a phenomenon happening externally all around us or it’s something which happens inside?

I have often heard people complaining about this needs to be changed, that needs to be changed. Yes, I am not an exception. May be I have also been a victim of this many a times. Demand for change is inevitable. It is the outcome of the newly recognised needs, the gap between the wants and availability, the inequality between what is expected and what is delivered. And the tension arises when the demands are not fulfilled.

But question is who will supply us with these lists of demands? Whose responsibility is this to make it happen?

Is it the problem of my family which forces me to get into a government job despite of my disinterest in the area? Is it the issue of a college which is yet to implement a professional oriented educational system? Is it the sole responsibility of my state to create ample number of opportunity? Is it the government of my country which should be blamed for our unfulfilled dreams?

All of us have done this to others and all of us have been a victim of it too. At some point of time or the other, we are forced to maintain the status quo, but the sad part is that at many a time we choose to maintain the status quo and put the blames on others. Because many of us feel it’s easy to project the blames on others rather than peeping inside ourselves to find out the main problem.

For years and years people complaining about the loopholes of government and at the time of election, backing out from giving a vote is one of the greatest examples. Complaining about the sanitation issue all around and littering things anywhere in the public places can be another great example. We talk about many feminist issues like dowry, sexual harassment, marriage without consent and many more. But how many of us really raise our voice to fight against it when the same things happen to us.

As a human, it seems natural to choose to flow with the easy flowing current. However the world is in need of people, who are proactive to try the change in them before dreaming it all over, responsible citizens who can take the responsibility of bringing a positive change, matured human by mind who can logically think over the root cause of a problem and most important humans by heart who can respect humanity and dignity above every possible factors.

It does not matter how big my area of influence is. It might be my family members, neighbours, team in work place or my fans in social media. An initiative to be the change we dream for is required. A change in one can be viral and a positive change can really do magic. Transformational shift in the paradigm of mind set, belief, thoughts and values are the backbone of change within us.

When we believe that we can be it and for sure we can bring it. Nobody dreams about a world full of same kind of people with similar mind-sets. But of course a world with majority of people with a mind-set of positive change can always prosper continuously. As we sow, so we reap. Sow the positive change inside and it will reap.

Note: Image used in this post is only for representational purpose.

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