
‘Fighting’, the only thing we Indians are never bored of. We do it anywhere and everywhere

We Indians love to fight. We fight for our parking places, we fight for our seats in the local buses, we fight for extra puri from the pani puri wala, we fight and we enjoy this. As if it is our favorite time pass. But isn’t this habit of fighting for anything and everything and also enjoying it getting uglier day by day?

Yes the British taught us to fight. They used the ‘divide and rule’ policy to rule over us and we got used to it soon. We formed our own government, we formed our own constitution, we formed our own laws however our politicians never formed a new policy to rule over us. They religiously followed the British policy of ‘Divide and Rule’ and we let them do that.

No! Not all of us fight for such small issues. People who don’t fight for such silly reasons have better reasons to fight with their fellow Indians. Fight that never ends between a Shahrukh and a Salman fan, or may be between a Katrina and a Kareena fan. And the recent one – How PK’s questions against Hindu God is justified as Muslim God is better!

Even this was a small issue for you right? Yes you who love fighting over how Dhoni is better than Tendulkar? Or may be you, who just had a twitter war with one of your friends who supports AAP and you want him to live a BJP life.

There are also a few people who don’t believe in the party wars. They don’t trust any political party. They know that none can help them whether it is Modi or Manmohan. It’s only them who can help themselves. Yes and so they fight their own battles, battle among Hindus and Muslims, among Christianity and sometimes Humanity!!

The list does not end here! The Indians who get bored by all of the above mentioned fights get indulged into another one. And this fight makes the very existence of human beings shameful. This is the fight for castes. The Sunni, the Shias, the Brahmin’s, the Shudras…. They all hate each other!

No it does not end here too. May be you are among those who so not believe in the caste system. But being a simple south Indian, you hate the way a north Indian shows off, don’t you? Or may be you, yes you! Who hates a Madrasi who cannot speak Hindi. Or a Bengali who keeps insisting and fighting that Rabindra Sangeet is better than any other Indian folk songs.

Yes! We Indians love fighting and believe me this fight would never end. And just the story of the two cats and a monkey, we are not even realizing that the monkey is taking away our unity bite by bite. In our fight of being a Hindu or a Muslim, a Brahmin or a Sunni, a Modi supporter or an AAP follower, we forget that we are Indians and when an outsider attacks us he doesn’t care which religion we belong to, what party we follow or who supported PK and who did not. They just attack all Indians! If they consider us as “just” Indians, why can’t we?

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