Rising Stories

I Can’t Be Anti-Reservation Even Though I Want To. You Cannot Simply Ignore These Things!

“Dude, these SC/STs make it really hard for us to crack the damn examination. We study for months and this SC guy comes and he just has to appear for the exam and doesn’t even have to attempt and he is awarded a seat and we work so hard still we are chucked out because of these free takers.”

These are the words of the so called ‘GENERAL’ citizen of our great country. Reservation for the backward classes has always met with scorn since its beginning. But today it’s a boiling hot topic all over the country. So what exactly is reservation? Is it really alms to the uneducated, under qualified, non-deservingreserved candidates?

Well those arriving in their cars at the topmost coaching institutes and preparing for the exams on their laptops will never understand what is it to study in a non AC house where electricity is not what you can rely on, where head of the family is an auto rickshaw driver and the mother does dishes in houses (and they don’t have PCs or laptops or Wi-Fi). We talk about equality and removing reservation, then is this equality when one student goes to the most renowned institutions of the country and other can’t because he can’t afford it and still they sit for the same examination.

“Dude, every SC is not poor, I have friends who belong to general category and even they are poor, they also need jobs but won’t get it because there’s no reservation for poor generals.”

Well it’s true. There are poor generals also. And this is also true that all SCs are not poor and the little better doing are like 1 in a million.

Here it’s not about 1 or 2 poor people who cannot get a job because of reservation, here it’s about working together towards the upliftment of the ones who are downtrodden and supressed since the beginning of the civilization and are also humans like you and me.

Now when we see 1 or 2 rising SCs they so much kill us to the inside. Those poor humans are there where they are just because of reservation only (and yes I agree) because who would have given a damn about them until and unless it was not stated in the rulebook.

The ideas which were fed to us with 3 meals a day since ages, they now run in our veins with blood like the most natural and just happenings of life. That it’s totally OK that all of us enjoy the luxuries of life or at least have choices to give life a direction to make something out of it. And it’s totally OK if there are few communities who are even deprived of the basic necessities. They were just born to live the life of slaves and it really pinches us if he sits in the same chair of the office at equal height with us.

Just ask yourself would there have been any need for reservation now if the preachers of Hinduism wouldn’t have taught us how to discriminate in the beginning. Only if they wouldn’t have reserved the MANDIRS and the SCRIPTURES for BRAHMINS.The ADMINISTRATIONS for KASHATRIYAS, the TRADES for VAISHYAS and CLEANING THEIR SHITS for the SHUDRAS. Wasn’t that reservation? What would you call that?

There has been a conspiracy in the past by the BRAHMINS to indulge all the other communities into all kinds of works and so that they can earn their living just by blathering incoherent words which no one understands and fill their houses with the money of fooled devotees.

Why do you think the Brahmins have such big bellies (they have never worked)?

“Dude, this was all in the past. Nowadays no one discriminates. Even I have SC friends and I’ve never considered him any lesser.”

I am sure you don’t consider him any lesser because he has an equal financial status as you. But behind his back the discussion about his being from the reserved category is inevitable. And you just know this 1 SC with whom you think you are being fair but what about those in parts of UP, Bihar and whole of the south India, where they are still not considered humans. Where still a non SC becomes so impure and corrupt with the touch of an SC that he has to wash himself with water and that SC in his own blood.

“Dude if this is the thing then the reservation should be on the basis of financial status and not caste. Reservation is the root cause of discrimination. No one will know your caste if you don’t have to mention it, hence, no discrimination.”

Well this could have been a valid option if the discrimination was based on bank balances but sadly this is not just about rich or poor. It is considered that may be the construction of these discriminated people is done with some inferior quality of material. Therefore they do not deserve equal respect and opportunities. So if in an unreserved scenario an SC even clears the examination with merit and is called for the interview. First thing to be asked would be the CASTE and that would be the first and last question for an SC because only SHARMAS and VERMAS deserve a job.

Removing reservation would be like rewriting history. It’s strange and a sad fact that no one is actually aware about the nerve-racking history of the backward classes, hence they don’t know the actual meaning of reservation and a need for the same. We call ourselves educated but are unaware of the society we live in. We all are anti-reservation and talk about bringing equality in the system but no one is anti-casteism who would talk about abolishing this age old pest from the society which is the root cause of India lagging behind. We are busy fighting each other that we have no time to compete with the world and bring real equality and prosperity.

RESERVATION is not the root cause of CASTEISM but CASTEISM is the root cause of RESERVATION. So let’s first become ANTI-CASTEISM.

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