


More girls are going to school than ever before. Especially after the Swachh Bharat Mission a lot of CSR funds have moved into the construction of Toilets, especially for the Girl Child.
Schools now have girls’ toilets and menstrual hygiene management facilities.
Girls are being increasingly celebrated by media as adventurous, ambitious and determined.
Advertisements today include women and girls on motorbikes, in sports fields and in executive boardrooms.

A girl cannot be educated and learn skills if she cannot freely and safely access school, college, health clinics, sports fields, markets and workplaces. If a girl is not educated, she cannot become financially independent.
A HEALTHY, EDUCATED, INCOME-EARNING woman will make more productive decisions for herself, her family and her community.
It is very clear that a girl child always becomes a blessing for the society and reason for the continuation of life in this world.
We worship many female Goddesses yet hardly think of being kind to the women, whether at home, work or Public places.. Truly, the GIRLS are pillars of the society. A small girl child can be a good daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother. If we kill them before taking birth or do not care after taking birth then how we will get a daughter, sister, wife or mother in future. Do anyone of us has ever think of the consequences, if women deny becoming pregnant and give birth to a baby.
If not; then why female foeticide, why are they looked upon as a curse, why are they a burden to their parents or society. When will we wake up after knowing the truth and facts about girls.

Earlier AMNIOCENTESIS was used (started in India in 1974) only to detect FOETAL ABNORMALITIES. However later it was started to detect the gender of the child (supposed to have started in 1979 Amritsar, Punjab).
Since then it has been forbidden by the Indian Council of Medical Research but it has already destroyed many a girl child, before their birth.
Female foeticide, infanticide, lack of proper nutrition, etc are the issues for decreasing number of girl children in India. By default if a girl child takes birth, she also faces various types of discrimination and negligence by Parents and Society such as BASIC NUTRITION, EDUCATION, LIVING STANDARD, DOWRY DEATHS, BRIDE BURNING, RAPE, SEXUAL HARASSMENT, CHILD ABUSE, AND MANY MORE.

*Indian girls are not only more likely to be ANAEMIC THAN BOYS , but also fare worse in the global average for anaemia. *167 out of 1,00,000 Indian girls and women die giving birth, compared to a developed country average of 14. *Indian girls are more likely to be married as children than boys, more likely to be sexually abused and trafficked
Fortunately according to the National Family and Health Survey (2015-16), teenage pregnancy has halved in the last 10 years and the percentage of girls married as children has decreased from 47% to 27%.

Parents need to change their thinking. They need to stop neglecting their daughter’s nutrition, education, living style, etc. It is the parent’s positive thinking towards girls which can bring about the change in Indian society. Please raise your voice against criminal doctors killing innocent girls in the womb before their birth just for getting some money. RULES and REGULATIONS should be toughened and action taken against those who are involved Women need to be strong and raise their voice… regards
Shishir Mandya


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