
This is how M.L. Sharma is not a villain, but an actual HERO in ‘India’s Daughter’

Ever since ‘India’s Daughter’ hit the public, a lot has arisen in the environment. We can see people talking about the existence of woman in society while on the contrary a bunch of youths trying to present a demographic on the present phenomenon of society. ‘A woman is just like a flower and she needs to be protected’ – these are some words spoken by our beloved lawyer Mr. M.L. Sharma. Yes, definitely. A woman is just like a flower. She needs to be protected. But my question being ‘Is Woman really protected?’ Is she really safe within the boundary, post 6:30 pm?

Another phrase spoken by you was ‘there is no place for a woman in our culture’. A matter of sight, I guess our celebrity prime minister Mr. Narendra Modi and a huge population of India are all victims of CHUTZPA who blindly celebrate Navratra, Kali Puja, Durga Puja, Lakshmi Puja, Saraswati Puja and many more names. I don’t think your house is any exception to it.

‘We are a sex object’ – so Mr. M.L. Sharma, the moment you see your mother you get a hard on and I should ignore your daughter or maid or your relative daughters as the words you said I could barely put a full stop to my imagination of how you feel when you see them. I pity your daughter, mother, wife, sister and rest all in your lineage. Because with a grandfather like that in my home, I would prefer my child in a neighbor’s house known to me a couple of weeks back rather than a father like that known to me ever since I spoke my first word.

Thank you Mr. M.L. Sharma for coming out in public and allowing us to identify people like you whom we should be more afraid of, than a stranger walking on the street. He giving those statements is indeed a heroic act. Now people can exactly know what’s going on in the minds of people like him and what they truly feel about the female sex. M.L. Sharma has just given voice to a huge section of the people who have the same kind of mindset, but the only difference is most of them keep it to themselves and he has said this out loud in public. So, yes, he is a hero, hero for all those people who have this mindset, but fear to say about it openly.

I was in a restaurant eating my Biryani when a couple of newlywed ladies distracted me. Being Punjabis, known for their extravagant nature and outlook satire there come the topic of India’s Daughter. As we all know, many were aghast by the speech of our beloved lawyer, this topic was a go-gossiper. Interestingly, rather than wailing over they were talking about something which has been in practice since the period of Rama and clearly went unnoticed.

Rama was the husband of Sita. Ravana abducted her. Ravana was an evil soul. But why was he evil? Did he rape Sita? Did he molest her? Harassed her? Tortured her heinously? Did he rip her intestines out and hung it over his palace windows?

Many of us know the tale that Ravana did not touch Sita against her wish. Rather, he gave her a choice that if her husband doesn’t rescue her in a period of years, then she has to accept him. It seems to me that Ravana was a true gentleman. In fact, I feel it was Rama who disrespected his wife. He was disgraceful to the relationship which was built on the pillars of trust, respect and love. There was Love in him, but what about trust and respect? It was he who thought that Sita would bring disgrace to him. Even after the ‘Agni-Pariskha’ Sita was not accepted by the then King Rama. Is this Love? Is this what’s called being right? All the years of studying Ramayana and praying Lord Ram, his principles and preachings have certainly flushed into sewage by looking at my present environment.

Should I blame Lord Rama for this? For had he accepted Devi Sita after Agni-pariksha, women wouldn’t be a disgust in today’s society. As it was because of him that a woman with no fault faces the wrath of so called society. Our society has excuses for everything. Let us see a few.

A woman gets raped- it’s definitely her fault.

A woman is left by her husband- she must  not be keeping him happy.

A woman faces domestic violence – kamchor hogi. Evil hearted woman.

A woman gets molested in office – blame the short skirts. She always triggers the fire.

A girl named slut even if she is pure as Ganga – character, she roams with guys, short skirts, outspoken, fashionista, prefers Hollywood over Bollywood, fluent in English, better than a million boys in many ways, you don’t stand a chance for her love so name her SLUT.

But what about a 5 year old getting raped? What about a girl getting sexually exploited by her own uncle in her house? What about a girl who was going to tuition & was suddenly abducted right in front of her house? Any answer? I am 100% sure that there aren’t any relevant proven answers. No one has. Nor even the Lord Ram himself.

Today, I prefer Ravana to be more sophisticated, well behaved, morale, disciplined and a stick-to-principles man. I am sorry to all my Sanatan Dharma’s followers. But I am an Indian daughter and it’s the society which has proved all the read mythologies and principles wrong and forced me to flush it down the drain. For I thought that Ram-Rajya said ‘Society was built for the man. Man was not made for the society’. But many a times, we follow it the other way round. We forget that society is bound to us.

Well, in the present era, a woman is safe neither in nor outside the house. A woman going for a blind date is much safer than a woman walking alone towards her home. For you never know that a few demons are lurking behind you and are ready to take you off the moment you reach your safest zone –home. A woman feels protected by her friends who smoke, drink like swine, go to brothels and speak bullshit. I guess if this is FILMY ENVIRONMENT effect then so be it. It is much safer than any of the CULTURED ENVIRONMENT.

For a place where if I follow my culture i.e. I be in my home post 6 PM, I go to temples, I do my household work, I don’t stand a chance in front of my male counterpart, he is allowed to abuse me, fuck me whenever & wherever he wants, he can sell me to his friends, make me suck their dicks for his prestige and pride, A place where I am not sure whether my cousin or my uncle has a lust for me and I cannot speak against it for the fear of my CULTURED SOCIETY, then I am pleased and well convinced with my FILMY ENVIRONMENT. At least I am not just a body with a vagina. I am a self-esteemed woman with a name, fame, and life. It’s a place where I am my Parvati, Sati and Kali. I don’t need a savior. For they were the savior of mankind and so shall be me.

A place where rapists are favored rather than a victim who is forced to kill herself, it has pushed me off the edge. It has changed the entire theory & myth that I knew ever since I remember watching Dayanand Sagar’s Ramayana. If it drags me to a situation where I have to choose between Rama and Ravana, then I guess my choice is clear to all.

People like Mukesh Singh, who speak about good girl and bad girl, preach about culture and religion, I am sure that taking the intestines out, raping the girl and trying to make her learn a lesson must be an idea given to them by the Lord Ram himself. For these people are holy and I abide by them. So, Lord Ram please come down to earth and teach all us women a great lesson similar to Agnipariksha only replacing it with raping us brutally and hanging our intestines all over the palace of Ayodhya.

Hail Lord Rama.

Mr. M.L. Sharma (in his own mind) is also just trying to walk on the footsteps of Lord Rama, and do what should be done to give women what they deserve. We should not have a problem with people like him who want to treat women in a derogatory and demeaning manner, because that is what a woman is meant for, it seems. So stop criticizing M.L. Sharma, he is indeed a true hero.

Image Credits: Deccan Chronicle

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