
What If You Were Made To Drink Urine And Have Sex With A Dog? Read The Story Of This Witness.

We often talk about the rights of men and women in our society, and why they are so imperative. We even raise our voices whenever these rights have any imminent threats. But this is about free men and women.

But what about those who are locked up behind the bars? Are they not humans? Don’t they have human rights?

If you think the answer is yes, then this prosecution witness will literally beg to differ with you.

The person who I am talking about was involved in a case of 3 bomb blasts in Mumbai. Do you know what the police did to him, while he was in custody? According to a report by Indian Express, he recently confessed in a special court that he was made to drink urine of another accused. His statement was, “I was made to drink gutter water and urine… It is correct that I was asked to drink urine of another accused and my urine (was given) to him.”

This was the amount of torture he had to go through when he was in custody almost 10 years back. The police didn’t stop there, the man has also said that they were made to have sex with stray dogs. And during his stay in jail from April 23 to May 17, 2003, he almost got beaten up by them on a daily basis.

On April 23rd, when the defense lawyer asked him to speak up about the acquisitions he made on the police, his reply was, “I cannot tell those dirty things which they asked me to do in the crime branch office as women advocates are present (here) in the court.”

The witness had revealed the name of Saquib Nachan, an alleged member of SIMI, and an accused for carrying the explosives during the blast.

If police are to be believed, they have shrugged off all such claims made by the witness. But seeing some of of the past cases of inhuman brutality by police in the lockup, the accusations sound very much believable.

Bringing someone in custody, doesn’t give the police the right to do anything with him/her. Also in the past, there have been many cases where police have misused their powers and gone out of line, I don’t know for what.  Beating a kid to death, raping a woman, peeing on a prisoner and now making a person drink urine, where is it going to end?

If the law itself doesn’t know the meaning of the law, how can they expect ordinary citizens to abide by it. Here it’s not even about following the law, it’s just plain evil. And evil is in no form a good thing, even if it is from the protectors of the law.

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