
Where Are The Results? Things We Expected The Modi Govt. Will Do For Us, But It Never Did

‘India is a developing country!’ a phrase which most of us have heard while growing up and this phrase never changes to ‘developed’ from ‘developing’. Decades passed by but this phrase has not changed a single word. Even the preposition remains same. Governments were formed, governments were changed. Many promised to bring the moon down to earth, but I guess they are still stuck in the space.

Congress, BJP, AAP, Ramadev Baba, Anna Hazare, Kiran Bedi and many more activists and politicians are in the queue, and while the queue grows bigger and longer in time, the result leads to nothing less than the build-up of chaos fueled regularly by the media. I am sorry to say this, but the bitter truth is that our country right from the senior citizens to young adults, teenagers to the growing youth, women, girls, poor and rich citizens –in one term, INDIA was looking forward to a strong leader who can actually take the responsibility of this great sub-continent. We found a small ray of hope in darkness and that hope was none other than our beloved prime minister Mr. Narendra Modi, a superstar. But it appears that the hope seems to be dying with time. BJP had a sorcerer’s stone and that stone was Mr. Modi. They used it well though. The party won in a majority, outnumbering the opposition.

Let us not divert the topic. Big promises were made by you sir, and hopefully the entire nation had no doubt about it. But now with the time passing by and almost a year finished, the trust which you gathered seems to deteriorate. At least mine does. I respect you sir, and will always do, but there are few questions in my mind which every citizen of this nation especially the youth has for you. Let us begin one by one.

1. You empowered privatization. Very good thought. Our country needs it. Had this industrialization taken place before we would have developed long back. But sir the promise which you also exchanged with many countries that even they can employ their citizens in our nation on the terms of converting rupee in dollar – (simply they get paid in dollars) my question to you is what about the youth that graduates every year from this nation?

India being one of the largest countries to produce engineers and doctors every year- what happens to them? Why not employ your own citizens? I think it’s enough that we speak about unemployment and actually start finding solutions. Our engineers and doctors are the same who develop windows and hotmail in America. Given a chance don’t you think we can outshine them by staying in the same land? The line which you want to cut off, i.e. a long list of VISA applications for USA, Australia and Europe, will happen on its own the moment every engineer gets a well paid job in the motherland itself.

2. The dollar rate fell for few days and then it’s again back to the same where it was. It’s good that you managed the inflation and also managed to reduce the petrol prices almost 6-7 times (sorry if my count is wrong), approximately as far as I remember, but sir people need food. The poor needs bread and I don’t think there is much difference in prices in this sector. The price remains almost the same. The farmers are still suffering and so does the entire nation. Our country needs Roti, kapda aur makaan sir. Reducing petrol prices will not meet the entire nation’s needs.

3. The INCOME TAX- As soon the government came to power, OR taxes were modified. The railway tax to pay tax- everything was increased. Many had objections, but still the public had faith in you and many without the cross question got along with the change. The railway fare was increased and as you said it was for good, many believe it too. Even I do. But sir, where is the result? Now there are many questions in this topic.

  1. The police department still remains hopeless. I do not say that they are not working hard but what is the point if they still have to depend on corruption or under the table money? The necessary funds are not provided to each and every police station and I am very sorry to say that there are many remote places in our nation where the law and order remains unreachable. It’s not the greed always that enforces a dignified police officer to be corrupt. Sometimes it’s also the need.
  2. The defense department of India. Whether it’s Indian Army, Air force or Navy- the condition remains the same. A normal army soldier gets approx 25K per month (which is equal to the salary of a constable of sepoy) and he also pays his taxes and that is his ‘ek number ki kamai’ unlike any other policeman who comes back 2-3 times in his home, also takes under the table money and does not really has to worry that he might get shot with a bullet anytime soon.
  • But still our soldier guard’s the border 10 months in a year, gets only 2 months of leave (even if he wants to take one) and the facilities provided to him are worth nothing when compared to an Officer in any of these armed forces departments. Sir when firing occurs at a border, it’s not the colonel or brigadier who gets shot, but it’s an ordinary soldier belonging to OUR category and yet he just has his ek number ka kamai to support his family.
  • Talking about duty hours- people in army don’t count the hours. They don’t get paid according to hours. So if a soldier is on the guard duty since last 24 hours, do not panic as that moron is not going to get paid for the extra 12 hours he rugged his ass for. So stay calm.
  • And also our system has this strange law of “orders”. So when a ceasefire occurs or kills our soldiers, they are supposed to just shut their guns and shove it off. So even if someone kills our soldiers and put their head on spikes we are just suppose to think of any other drama going across the nation.

So, sir, why is this couture lacking special attention? They rush to help anywhere whether its Nepal earthquake or Uttarakhand’s disaster. They fight for our nation and still in the end all they get is curse and hatred. They do not even get the special treatment or reservation in any field. Why there is no army quota? And even if there is any why are they limited?

  1. Education and human resources –our country has even segregated talent. All around the nation, there is a big wave shouting ‘Net Neutrality’. The Facebook and Twitter is loaded with hashtags yelling ‘Net neutrality’. Don’t you think sir that we also need education neutrality? Our country might be free from discrimination and casteism in the 21st century, but the youth is definitely suffering from reservation. Millions of students take part in JEE, CAT, MAT etc, and yet the seats reserved for SC/ST quota keeps on rising while a General student suffers. Either separate the competition or don’t have this system at all. Why do a student belonging to general category scoring more than cut-off neglected/rejected and an SC/ST scoring half of the cut off gets a seat in privilege colleges? Is this a fair competition?

The number of reserved seats for SC/ST keeps on rising while there is no defense quota or poor-line quota?  In a broad vision they are the ones who deserve a reservation. Sir, it’s my humble request to you that given a chance to improve our education system, please remove the reservation system first. Even if the quota system needs to exist, then make an army quota or segregation based on one’s family income. Trust me sir, it’s going to change the face of the nation in a glance. No student will dream of going abroad and serve other nation because our nation is none less in providing quality educations.

  1. Last but not the least – the black money. The matter seems to get lost in the whirlpool of politics. Neither Baba Ramdev nor Arvind Kejriwal or you talk about it anymore? Looking at the pace of development, it seems that our country suffers from cancer. A corruption cancer. The public facility gets worse day by day. The rich are getting richer while the poor are fatally poor. Apart from the list of black money holders, there is no news of further steps taken.

So my dear Prime Minister, it’s a good note that you are the most active PM of India. You give everyone a chance to approach you. You hear out the public. You go to attend weddings and visit countries to keep up the international relations effective. But with the time flying by, public wants some results too. Soon it will be time when people of this nation who put you as a diamond on the crown will disown you if your words don’t make into an action. Nuke deal to getting into UN nations – we trust you that you can get it all. But one honest question each and every citizen especially the youth asks you is ‘when will the developing change to developed?’, ‘Ache din kab aaenge modi ji?’.

Yours truly,

Youth of India.

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