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A Thing That No One’s Thinking: Why No Questions From B-Town On Salman’s Verdict?

So the B-town is super excited about Salman Khan’s acquittal. Our favorite stars are so relieved by the fact that it was not exactly Khan’s fault as stated by the Mumbai Court. Death of homeless poor Indians was indeed sad, but ‘releasing’ a superstar from a grave charge such as homicide is really important.

Yes, Salman Khan is a superstar, idol for many. He is the founder of ‘Being Human’. He is known for his kindness and a very, very big heart. So even if he accidentally drove the car over a few pedestrians, it does not make him a criminal. I remember when in the beginning the charges came out from a Mumbai court that Salman Khan had killed people due to his rash driving, some celebrities (dumb would be a word too subtle for people like these) had said that it is the pedestrians who always came in the way, they should not sleep on footpaths. Really? Are you really serious? Do you even know how many Indians have a proper roof over their head? Did you really do anything with your fame and money to build them a home? Rather did you do anything at all, other than misusing the popularity we the common people give you?

Now that Salman Khan is cleared of all charges, our celebrities whom we often idolize are celebrating it. No one came up with the question as to why the Mumbai court gave such a statement against such a ‘big’ star.

Do you remember Ravinder Patil – the bodyguard Khan had on the night of the accident? His statement back then turned everything topsy-turvy for the actor and now the Supreme Court is just saying that his accounts are not ‘wholly reliable’. Then why did this constable suddenly disappear from the scene and appeared only after his death due to tuberculosis? He was the first person to report the case. Why was he not seen for so many years? What caused his disappearance? Who would ask these questions if not the people who often try to sell social messages through their works? (Read the actors celebrating Salman’s acquittal)

With this statement of Supreme Court, the whole question of justice in India is again doubtful. How do laws exactly operate in this country? Money and power is all that matters? Who will give justice to those devastated pedestrians who probably lost the lone bread earner? Who will give them a voice?

Many who will be reading this will be Salman’s fans. It is good to be a fan, it is good to idolize, and it is good to follow someone (worthy). But is it not time that we think over the fact that these people whom we love, who give the ‘larger than life’ experiences in our mundane lives, and who travel at length to give us best memories on the screen are human too. They are prone to committing crimes. Just being the profounder of Being Human does not make one human enough. What we see on screen is scripted. How much of the real person do we get to see? We need to think now.

Many of Salman’s fans were enraged when the Mumbai court gave its verdict. But come on people, human beings were crushed under the wheels of his car as he was driving ‘DRUNK’. Do you realize that it is illegal? If any one of you happened to be in front of his car that day maybe your family would be fighting helplessly against this power. Give this a thought. To stand up for justice is very important. Today the world needs such strong backbones. Salman Khan’s acquittal has opened up the scope for many questions that the law is ignoring today. Now it is up to us to get those answers, it is time, we, the common people realize what power we hold – if we want we can pull down anybody or anything to the grounds provided we stay united.

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