
Here Is What Pakistan Needs To Understand So That It Stops Poking Us Everytime

Lately, the reports of skirmishes along the Indo-Pak border have been making it to the headlines. The constant ceasefire violation again proves that the actions of the Pakistan armed forces are not in agreement with their government’s so called readiness to initiate a peaceful dialogue between the two nations.

But as they say “Old habits die hard”, this is something that the Pakistan army has been doing for years on end. But the question that deserves some quality brainstorming is that how is Pakistan benefitting from these constant acts aimed at promoting tension between the two parties.

The recent attack in Gurdaspur brought under limelight the brazenness of Pakistan. As on the diplomatic front they assured India of every possible support and cooperation for curbing terrorism. And whereas at the same time they blatantly proffered assistance to the infiltrators so that they can easily sneak into the Indian territory and mete out the most ruthless treatment to the innocent people. It is high time that a strong and forceful message should to be sent across the Line of Control.

Last year when the then Defence Minister of India, Arun Jaitely warned Pakistan of the “unaffordable consequences”, his Pakistani counterpart made a subtle mention of how they are capable enough of giving a befitting reply as Pakistan too is a nuclear state. Moreover, they have periodically boasted of their “Nuclear strength” in an attempt to probably give Indians a bout of jitters.

What they fail to acknowledge is the fact that India became a nuclear state long back and such sabre rattling much to their discomfort is not going to scare us at all. The point is that we don’t pay much attention to the instigating actions from the Pakistan side but they misconstrue our ignorance to be incompetence. But how can a nation be so much ignorant of its own incompetence.

Our deferential armed forces ignored them in 1947 and they managed to occupy a part of Kashmir. They made a comeback in 1965 and we drove them back this time but the stubborn Pakistan government was flagrant enough to send its army back in 1971 to attack India only to face the most humiliating defeat of all times.

But as they say that you cannot teach old dogs new tricks, they returned, but this time with assistance from terror outfits, Pakistan army managed to capture the Indian posts in Kargil. The Indian brave hearts showed extraordinary grit and resolution to drive the intruders back and handed over to them yet another defeat. But Pakistan despite being defeated not once or twice but four times is adamant to tread the path which will eventually lead to its own destruction.

The driving force behind all this is apparently the urge to make Kashmir a part of Pakistan, but has this desire in anyway helped them in scaling the progressive heights? Pakistan should understand that adding Kashmir to their territory shouldn’t be their priority and they should focus on making progress in terms of economy, science, technology and not in terms of assisting terror outfits to carry out inhumane acts in a quest to annex parts of India.

Providing tacit support to these terror promoting organizations will further deteriorate the already miserable condition of Pakistan and as Hillary Clinton truly stated that, “Snakes in your backyard won’t bite only neighbours”, Pakistan had to bear the brunt of these snakes. For once she could be perceived as a soothsayer as Pakistan had to pay the price of promoting terrorism when last year few gunmen entered the premises of an Army school and slaughtered around 150 people most of whom were students.

So, how is all this helping them is a question that remains to be answered and the government of Pakistan is answerable to its citizens.

But if Pakistan government carries on being intransigent, then it is important for it to know that if Pakistan is adamant to make Kashmir a part of its territory then the day India decides to re capture POK, it won’t take much effort from our side to get it back. But India has never intruded any country in its last 10,000 years of history albeit the mystic India has always been assailed by outside forces. First came the Ghaznis and then the Ghoris followed by Mughals and a few European forces. They were able to assault the great Indian land because we were not united back then, but today Indians stand united to crush any outside force.

India is poised to become one of the greatest nations in the years to come but the journey will be really nice if our little brother “Pakistan” shows the propensity to tread the path of development instead of wasting its resources in carrying out fiendish acts against India.

Jai Hind!

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