
There is nothing sadder for a society than its youth failing to realize how powerful they are.

If politics determine our education, we should determine the politics

-Bhagat Singh

Who are the fore bearers of the society? Who are those who will emancipate mankind from all the problems those are curbing its development in the present day social structure?

The answer is simple; it is the most advanced class in the society, THE STUDENTS. But, recent developments of the students suggest that the student community of the country and of the world have generated in themselves, a total antipathy to their social consciousness and their moral duties. To them, this attitude signifies the “coolest” attitude that they can bring forth in their personality, but that’s an utter misconception.

It is this society that they are going to live in when they are no longer students, the only difference being that then, they are not going to have the time to discuss the social phenomena those are growing everyday around them, the corruption, the increasing distinction between the rich and the poor, the gulf of mentalities that is developing between the rulers and the ruled.

To curb these menaces, the only weapon that the students have in their arsenal is their political consciousness, which they have to develop. They have to know and understand that it is not them who are formulating the type of education that they are being provided with but rather the people sitting in the top positions who are directing the system in which they are being educated, in short, it is the ruling class who are directing the education, an education which is increasingly trying to separate the students from the society and their social duties. It is the moral responsibility of each student to get involved in the functioning of the policies that is directing their education. It is the sacred duty that mankind has bestowed upon its forerunners to turn human society into a better society to live in by taking the path of opposition against the faulty education system of the country.

The word “Politics” has varied meanings in the present social strata, thanks to some very “well dressed” personalities, the students have to understand that “politics” does not mean beating off people, or providing liquor or paying people off, but rather, it is all about and only about the policies. It is and will be the “Method in which the policies work”. “Bad” politics, which has grabbed the society by its collar, has to be done away with, because it is one of the main reasons that students prefer abstention to involvement in their own country’s functioning.

The growth of political consciousness, or rather the involvement of politics to is a tough task in the present day circumstances, in a world where are surrounded by people involved in “Bad” politics, it is really difficult to separate the water from the milk.  That is the time, when ideology comes into question. Te students have to be guided by ne single ideology, the ideology against the oppressive measures carried on by the government, which thinks education to be just another form of business to turn in huge money. The students have to make them hear the loud call that the progressive student society is making, “WE ARE STUDENTS NOT CUSTOMERS”. The students’ involvement in politics is not sought after by the system, a system they created to carry on their whimsical measures without taking into question the mass intellengitia of the student community. It is time that the students make the call, a call to get involved in the very system that has been, is and will be directing their lives and their education in the past, present and future, and the only method to do that is by developing the political consciousness, and your political mind.

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