
Porn Ban: The Uncanny Relation Of Porn & Rape In India Can’t Just Be A Coincidence

PORN- sexually explicit videos, photographs, writings or the like produced to elicit sexual arousal. Since the year 2013, there has been an outrage among a certain group of Indians after they found out that a PIL had been filed for ban of pornography. And now finally in 2015, we can actually see it happening. Although out of a number of porn sites, only 857 of the most viewed sites have been banned, I still happened to come across cribbers all over the internet.

According to a survey, there are only 3% boys and 17% girls in the world who haven’t seen internet porn ever. Well, if you are wondering that how is this possible then you might not know that porn is one of the largest and most profitable industry in the world. It is a $13 billion industry that earns its income by just making 13000 videos annually. And mind you, this income is more than the GDP of a few nations.

In fact, it seems so like half of the internet is made up of porn or related content, and so I wondered that why did the government ban it as half of the time what most people are concerned about is money and sex, which is what exactly pornography is all about.

For once, it occurred to me that this is another useless ban, but this time I was a little motivated to know the “WHY” of it and so I dug in. I did some research of my own and found the following reasons legitimate and shocking enough to prove the point of the government:

  1. Pornography happens to be on the top of the list of Cyber Crime in India.
  2. India is ranked the second most porn exposed country in the world.
  3. There has been a significant growth in the number of porn viewers between the years 2005-2013.
  4. The PIL filed in 2013 stated that viewing porn is leading to the rise in the number of rapes and child molestation.
  5. According to the statistic published on online magazine Quartz, Mizoram and Delhi have the highest number of porn viewers in India. Other north eastern states, Rajasthan, West Bengal and Punjab are also part of the top states in the list.
  6. Six of the top 100 websites viewed by Indians are porn sites.

So is porn actually related to rape? Well, maybe the answer is Yes!

After going through a few statistics, it was found out that the states with the highest number of porn viewers also happen to be the states with the highest number of rape cases. At first, I thought it could be a coincidence, but something that you can see easily related to can’t be a coincidence.

Mizoram is the state with the highest number of rape cases in the country with a 10.1 rate per 100000 of the population as per records from 2012 published by the National Crime Records Bureau. Tripura, Meghalaya, Assam, Sikkim is also in the top of the list with Chhattisgarh and Delhi with the rate of 6.5, 6.5, 5.5, 5.5, 4.2 and 3.7. (Source)

Not trying to prove a point or agenda of my own here, but it does prove that people get the idea from somewhere. Not everyone is a rapist and being an adult, you do have the right to do whatever you may like, but if a certain ban can bring even a slight change in the scenario then why not try it out. And in this case, it’s an issue as serious as rape, which we are talking about.

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