Editor's Pick

Remembering Nirbhaya, Because She Didn’t Deserve What Happened To Her Yesterday

The sordid incident of 16th December, 2012 has now almost vanished from our minds but the fact is that it still pricks our conscience. No judicial vengeance can provide justice to Nirbhaya after having failed to protect her from the Barbary.

Although no words can express her vows but here is a small tribute to Nirbhaya and to all such brave souls who actually deserve much more…….

A gust of stormy wind
Has blown off a fire
Burning the very hope
And extinguishing the desire.

The fire which once was
The source of many smiles
Has today vanished off
Leaving behind darkness till miles.

A blossomed flower drooped down
Despite of being among manicured greens
The eternity of a spirit died
Before the drooping of the mortal’s breath.

On the pious way to zenith
That innocent spirit was maligned
And on the flower bed of its innocence
Were planted the most unwanted weeds.

The spirit had confluence with
A soul to strong friendship bond
But all threads loosened by storm
Couldn’t save her from being torn.

Being deserted in thunder
And heavy rains pelting down
The spirit’s heart was over brimmed
With sorrows and moaning loud.

She kept screaming, battling Barbary
Being a victim of a sin so fiery
But she lied there unaddressed
Unattended and distressed.

The wailing was loud yet unheard
By the nearby souls.
Though she was purged yet so cursed
As a sinner whose sin was unknown.

Then the lust, the horrendous thirst
Sabotaged her and her misty mirth.
The ponderous thunder engulfed the fire
Burning her core and extinguishing her desires.

The fire blew off, embracing solace
But she burnt the heart, abandoning the earth of its grace
Till last breadth she held up the spirit in her core.
Salute to her commendable soul.

“Strange are the ways of the world
Which once embrace a person tight
And then abandon in times of need
To let HER augment its plight”

Though time ran over her,
She now breathes in our conscience
But what about them who survive
Such fiery and heinous crimes?

 What shall they do?

Shall they embrace the cliff or drown in river
To shun themselves from sorrows and fear
Or shall they continue to trod
On life’s path however eerie it appears.

Of course the latter is in their share
Then to loose in despair
Their life is truly a victory
Bestowed with Almighty’s eternal care.

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