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Sajida Lost Her Father, Beef Or Mutton Makes No Difference. And We Talk Of Religious ‘Sentiments’?

“Dude, just mind your own business. Okay? I know what I have to do”, Well, those typical non-eating-beef Hindus would have got this reply if they had tried to interfere in the lives of people living in some other states. SECULARISM and EQUALITY, do we really have these in India? I doubt.

We killed a Muslim because people doubted his family ate beef. Even if he ate it, what is the damn problem? We worship cow and we cannot kill them. Well people, we *Hindus* worship them. Muslims don’t. Why should they stop feeding on beef if their religion allows them to?

Just because it hurts our sentiments? Did we stop consuming alcohol during Eid because it might hurt their sentiments?

Mohammad Akhlaq was beaten to death. Such was the beastly strength of the mob that they smashed the sewing machine and used it to beat him to the pulp. Their blood boiled. The hatred for Akhlaq made the crowd stronger and more powerful. Where did this hatred come from suddenly? Did just an announcement in the temple take them to such rage? It’s hard to believe. It’s not just about one or two people who had done this heinous crime. It’s about a group. A community of more than 100 people. Did all of them lose their minds to such extent that they couldn’t understand how barbaric their acts were?

I was just having a look through my news feed. I found a post about this incident. The writer wrote how he asked about this incident to one of his literate, urban, Hindu friend and how his reply didn’t shock him a bit. Basically, there was absence of a shred of compunction in his friend. This villainous crime didn’t shake him at all. He pretended as if everything was normal and whatever had happened wasn’t wrong at all. “Mullas should know their limits”, is what he tried to say. Why did this hatred take birth in him? Why are people getting angry and angrier everywhere?

People of Bisada are alleging outsiders who instigated them. No one saw them before. No one recognised them. They blame them for the uncontrollable violence. An announcement was made in the temple and within minutes hundreds were collected. When asked, why they listened to the small group, silence prevailed. People say, those who have been arrested are innocent. It’s the duty of the court to find them out and we should leave it on them. It would be very difficult for the police to identify them who are responsible for this monstrous riot. Hope floats till then.

What difference did it make when the forensic report confirmed that the meat kept in the fridge was that of mutton? Could they bring back Akhlaq? Could they return back the father of Sajida and her siblings? Will Danish be able to forget how he was roughly beaten up for no fault. The answer is known to everyone. The mob didn’t bother to do any sort of investigation. They had already delivered their judgement. As if they were damn sure. I also pity that old lady who wasn’t spared. She too was attacked by the mob. Her son died such unnatural death in front of her eyes. Irony is people who did such ghastly and horrific things think they’re glorifying India while the fact is they had literally shamed India, internationally I guess.

Communalism is dangerous. It’s the poisonous root of any country. But people are too busy deciding the rules for Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Sikhs that they forget everyone happens to be an Indian first. Mr. Modi’s speech didn’t go well in the ears. He needs to shout louder.

Dadri Case would get lost in the twists and turns of Indrani Mukherjee’s case or the hot topic of Bihar elections, just like many of the cases like this did. Maybe tomorrow I too will forget this case which I had written with so much shame in my eyes. People responsible for this riot will be set out free and our lives will start leading normally. Though it doesn’t make any difference even now, we change our DPs to black. We show our remorse to the situation. We criticize. We blame people. We blame government. In the meanwhile, the cold war between the political parties starts, and does their part of business. But at the end of the day, we are the ones who are highly responsible for the wrongs going on in our country. We cannot deny. Because dear people, we have killed that man. I say we, because normal people like you and me have killed him.

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