
Shelling At LOC Kills 5 – Can We For Once Stop Thinking About Land, And See This?

A civilian along with four others were hit during a Pakistan shelling near the LOC in Poonch district of Jammu and Kashmir. This happened on Monday, 7 September 2015. The relations between India and Pakistan are undergoing poor state of affairs in the recent months owing to trading cold shoulders and fire over the Line of Control.

It comes to a state of claustrophobic political coldness which results to the killing of innocent lives who reside on or near the border of two nations. Throwing some light on the recent tidings, we notice how India reverted stridently to the statement of the army chief of Pakistan, Raheel Sharif. On Monday, Jitendra Singh remarked that the only agenda to be sorted out with Pakistan was to get back the portions of Kashmir which are under Pakistan’s illegal occupation even after 66 years, even after being a part of Jammu and Kashmir. This was told by him while he tried hitting back at Sharif with words when he called Kashmir using the words “unfinished agenda”.

A few days back Sharif had sorted to warn India of damage of unbearable measures  in case of “a long or short misadventure” and to this alarming of his, Singh replied that if the enemy resorts to any such thing, it will have pay its cost. Consequentially, this scuffle arose and Sharif said that the Pakistani armed forces are ever capable of dealing with all varieties of threats irrespective of its sources. He asserted that he was ready, whether it is a cold launch or hot.  A few politicians see this as an exposure to the growing terrorism in Pakistan and how it is a global nest for blooming terrorism, while a few say that the innocent people in Kashmir are atrocized and victimized under the POK issue. This tussle resulted into days of wrangling and Pakistan government’s cancellation of meeting of its national security adviser with its Indian complement.

It has been long enough since the two countries have been squabbling over a mass of land without even considering the lives of the people residing on it. Whether it is seen as the lack of humanity or federal greed for possession of land, massacre of innocent lives is not a consequence either of the nations has to face for land. Years after years this cold war has turned hot. Attacks came and were reverted and vice versa.

What seems to be totally irrelevant to them is the status quo between the social and the political is disturbed by the constant struggle for powers to be in possession for the land and that both the countries are suffering from violence in and around the border and other states. Every time a trivial issue takes place, the retaliation is something enormous in scale. Every time a violent attack comes on India, the first to be suspected is Pakistan. Every time a situation becomes out of hold, the people living in the POK are the first ones to feel threatened. They do not feel free in the land they live on. Which country do they really belong to is the question that repeatedly haunts them.

Two countries have been fighting bitterly for land since over 60 years. Why not solve this issue diplomatically and politically so that both the countries are privileged with some amount of compromising from both the sides? Why is the value of lives less precious than land? Is possession of power of one nation and another nation fighting against it more crucial than two nations living in peace and harmony? Unresolved agenda raises question on humanity of democracy and diplomacy. Let’s hope someday answers shall guide us towards non-violence.

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