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Spiritual Pursuits are vital for greater Happiness.

Despite being considered a deeply spiritual country, India is not without its share of stress. The Times of India reports that one in every four Indians are affected by anxiety disorders, and 10% are depressed.  The situation is especially dire for the elderly in India, many of whom are so lonely they tend to need medical attention, more often than they need to, to battle stress.
There is a silver lining on the horizon, though, and it involves returning to our spiritual roots. Research has shown that spiritual pursuits are vital for greater happiness, since they enable us to weather life’s change/Transformations and allow us to live with a greater sense of meaning. We therefore highlight, why it is worth investing our time in a more spiritual life through nature, and suggest a few practical ways to make us Happier People

Yoga meditation at sunset

Why Does Spirituality Make Us Happier?

It is vital to comprehend that spirituality does not necessarily involve religion; it simply comprises a belief in a more powerful force that runs through all sentient things. Research has found that those who believe in a unifying force such as this find an important source of support from others with similar beliefs, and are able to weather the ups and downs of life with greater positivity.

Time in Nature Awakens our Spirituality

We may know we want to feel more spiritual, but we can wonder where to begin. An ideal backdrop to awaken your connection with your inner world, is to head for a natural setting. Various scientists, psychologists and authors, from Carl Jung right through to Eckhart Tolle, have noted the important role that nature plays in igniting our spirituality.

What the Experts Say

“We depend on nature not only for our physical survival. We also need nature to show us the way home, the way out of the prison of our own minds. We got lost in doing, thinking, remembering, anticipating.”Natural features such as rocks, plants, and animals, remind us of how to be still and to be “where life is: in the Here and Now.”

For Carl Jung, meanwhile, the perfection of water features, trees and green areas were a wakeup call; their beauty and magnificence helped human beings feel the need for something beyond the material.

For scientists, meanwhile, nature brings us all the benefits of mindfulness, by reducing our stress hormone levels and bringing us to a mindful, happy state.

If, like millions of people across the globe, we wish to lead a more spiritual, joyful life, know that you will reap many benefits. These include a deeper sense of Peace, an ability to live ‘in the Present Moment, and the support that come from meeting and socialising with people with shared beliefs. To hone your spirituality, make sure to make more time for nature and delve into mindfulness pursuits such as yoga or meditation, to remind you that you are so much more than flesh and blood.

#Spiritual, #Pursuits,#Happiness, #yoga,#meditation,#Peace, #Nature,# Spirituality

Cassie Steele is the Content Manager, for a small spirituality focused hiking, camping, and outdoors site and can be reached at
Cassie Steele <cassie.steele@hickorymail.net>

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