Business News

Is Sundar Pichai An Overnight Success? Here’s The Lesser Known Side Of The New CEO of Google

Google’s latest announcement came as a moment of pride for whole India. Larry Page, the co-founder of Google, appointed Sundar Pichai as the new CEO of Google.

As the Google company is being restructured, Google will now come under Alphabet, it’s Mother Company. Other companies like Calico and X lab, which were earlier a part of Google will now come under Alphabet, which will be headed by Larry page leaving the steering wheel of Google into Sundar’s talented hands.

But, is Sundar Pichai really an overnight success? What was his past like? Was he really born with a golden spoon in his mouth? Let us explore the past life of Sundar Pichai and the chain of events that made him the CEO of tech giant knows as Google.

Born in Chennai, Pichai was always ahead of his time. When he was pursuing his B-Tech from IIT Kharagpur in Metallurgical engineering, there was not even a course offered in the electronics field. The whole internet thing was completely new to everybody in India. And metallurgy at that time had absolutely nothing to do with internet, or even computers for that matter.

His curriculum never stopped him from pursing his interests. Coming out of metallurgy, he did his MS from Stanford University, and went ahead to do an MBA at Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, where he achieved the feat of becoming a Palmer Scholar and a Siebel Scholar.

Sundar started off as a ‘low-key manager’ in 2004 in Google. And before anyone knew, his hard work, intelligence and immense love for Google made him the Vice President, followed by Senior Vice President. One of the biggest keys to his success is the mixture of his engineering excellence and brilliant managerial brain. It was because of these qualities that Larry Page showed such an enormous faith in him.

Pichai is known for his huge contribution in creating the Chrome browser which took the whole internet by storm in 2008. He headed all Google apps, including Google Drive and Gmail, and was also the supervisor of Google’s venture in the smart phone industry, Android.

His tactful business approach drew a lot of attention, especially of the founders. At the times of disputes with Samsung, the responsibility was in Pichai’s skilful hands to resolve the matter and reach a conclusion, which he did to perfection.

Another brilliant quality which separated him from the rest was his lack of interest in company politics. He was loved by one and all in Google, and focussed on work more than anything else. He never had any enemies. The teams which he led were always considered among the best, as he extracted the maximum out of everybody.

All these qualities made him the most apt choice for the post of CEO. Sundar Pichai’s success is a result of all the wonderful qualities which he has. He is not an overnight success, he is a man who did what he loved with all his dedication and to the best of his abilities, and it is this hard work that has finally paid off. Mr. Larry is proud of him, and so is our entire nation. Earlier Microsoft, and now Google, Indians are moving really fast in the tech world, and we should all celebrate this growth.

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