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He Was First A Son To A Mother & Then A Dalit Or A OBC. Can’t We Understand That?

“I always wanted to be a writer. A writer of science, like Carl Sagan. At last, this is the only letter I am getting to write…Our feelings are second handed. Our love is constructed. Our beliefs colored. Our originality valid through artificial art. It has become truly difficult to love without getting hurt. The value of a man was reduced to his immediate identity and nearest possibility. To a vote. To a number.To a thing. Never was a man treated as a mind. As a glorious thing made up of star dust. In every field, in studies, in streets, in politics, and in dying and living.” These are the last words of a scholar, a prospective writer, a torchbearer in Indian politics and any many more which he could have been if he didn’t choose death as the best option. (Source: First Post)

Rohith Vemula (26), a second year PhD student at University of Hyderabad, committed suicide on 17th January evening. As it is evident from his suicide letter that the thing that disturbed him the most was not considering an individual as a human being but always relating our thoughts and belief about a person to his caste, religion, color and a long list of norms which affect our perception about someone. The saddest part is that even after his death everyone is worried about the same identities and norms.

According to The New Indian Express report, Vemula was active in student politics, but had grown increasingly silent after the disciplinary action was initiated against him by the university. The Joint Action Committee (JAC) of various student groups said Rohith was highly depressed due to suspension and expulsion from the hostel.

Our Prime Minister has said – “There will be reasons, there will be politics (over the incident), but the fact remains that a mother has lost her son. I feel the pain very well.” (Source: The Times Of India)


A mother has lost her son. Can we be humane enough to feel her pain?

A big NO!!!

Everyone is busy shouting he was a “Dalit” or he was an “OBC”.

The police investigation at Guntur has reportedly turned up proof that both parents of Vemula belonged to the stone cutting caste of Vadera, which is an Other Backward Class. Even the police thought it was more important to find out his caste rather than analyzing the causes of his death. Instead of investigating what made him die, police chose to find out his caste. According to me the reason for this is that even police knows that the reactions, agitations and the hunger strike is not because “ROHITH” died but it’s because a “DALIT” died. So the police would better prove that he was “NOT DALIT” and everything will come to an end.

Isn’t the police right?

The media is flooded with the news – “Dalit scholar committed suicide”.

Would they have given the same coverage if a Brahmin or any other upper caste person died? Would the agitation have been equally intense if he was not proclaimed as “dalit”? I really don’t think so. Caste is still our sore point and caste still runs in our blood, no matter how much we shout about equality.

I suggest all those who are playing politics on his death to think twice. I request the news sources to refer him as “Rohith” an intellectual individual as he wanted to be and not as a “Dalit” or “OBC”. I hope he gets justice, at least after his death.

May his soul rest in peace!!!

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