Opinions Politics UncategorizedThe Last Gandhi of Nehru Gandhi Dynasty.Rise For IndiaMarch 10, 2018 by Rise For IndiaMarch 10, 201802339 Are we in the decade where we are going to witness the end of Gandhi-Nehru Dynasty? Is Rahul Gandhi going to be the last Gandhi?
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Editor's Pick OpinionsSerious Actions Which India Can Take Against Pakistan – These Will Bring In Major ChangesRise For IndiaSeptember 26, 2016 by Rise For IndiaSeptember 26, 20160868 After the attack in Uri Army Base, there is a lot of public outrage. There are civilian groups demanding direct offensive against Pakistan. Lately, a
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Rising StoriesThe Story Of Child Labours In India (And They Do Attend School)Rise For IndiaJune 14, 2016 by Rise For IndiaJune 14, 201601135 Breaking away from the fetters of child labor was not an easy task for Naveen Kumar, who hails from a small village at Madanpally, Andhra
OpinionsIs The 21st Century Child Having ‘Real’ Childhood? You Can’t Deny: It Was Way Better Before!Rise For IndiaJune 6, 2016 by Rise For IndiaJune 6, 20160873 Following the trend of recent times, I see my students spending around 6 hours in school, 2 hours in the journey to and fro, and
OpinionsOne Area In Both Serials And Movies That Our Censor Board Is Blindly IgnoringRise For IndiaMay 31, 2016 by Rise For IndiaMay 31, 20160923 ‘It’s strange why no one realized this until now about our movies and serials’ The Indian Censor Board has been in the headlines often in