News OpinionsWomen To Drive Auto-Rickshaws In Mumbai. But Can You Notice What’s Wrong In This?Rise For IndiaJanuary 18, 2016 by Rise For IndiaJanuary 18, 20160939 Great news, isn’t it? Women driving rickshaws, the most male dominant (though not glamorous) profession and now even women are picking it up. Such a
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OpinionsShiv Sena Kills Music In The Name Of Nationalism. If Not Ghulam Ali, Think Of Your ‘Own People’!Rise For IndiaOctober 9, 2015 by Rise For IndiaOctober 9, 20150852 “Music can change the world because it can change people.” But, what if someone is applying brakes in the flow of music since his sense
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Uncategorized10 Things That Foreign Travelers Don’t Like About MumbaiRise For IndiaApril 1, 2015 by Rise For IndiaApril 1, 201501297 Mumbai, better known as its earlier avatar Bombay, is India’s financial capital. What this means is that most financing – lending and borrowing – of
Society“Home-sour-Home” – My views on demolition of Campa Cola Society!Rise For IndiaJuly 5, 2014 by Rise For IndiaJuly 5, 20140968 Where we love is home-home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts. – Sir Oliver Wendell Holmes The above quote sounds very rational