Editor's Picks NatureKerala Flood – Bringing Out the Human Kindness?Kakoli SenSeptember 29, 2018September 29, 2018 by Kakoli SenSeptember 29, 2018September 29, 201802086 The incessant downpour that has devastated Kerala has made more than 2 Lakh people homeless and taken more than 300 lives. While Keralites are having
Education Opinions UncategorizedRAISING STRONG, SMART AND SENSIBLE CHILDREN (THE 3 S’s)Rise For IndiaApril 18, 2018 by Rise For IndiaApril 18, 201801222 While a secure and happy family environment is considered a bare necessity for healthy growth and development, there is a fine line between caring and
Rising StoriesPower, Money And Social Order: How Badly Mismanaged Are They In Our Society?Rise For IndiaApril 27, 2016 by Rise For IndiaApril 27, 20160735 The humanity – the multifarious forms and entities – often provide accommodation to differences in perceptions/emotions of individuals or groups. What can hold these conflicting
EducationThere is nothing sadder for a society than its youth failing to realize how powerful they are.Rise For IndiaFebruary 13, 2015 by Rise For IndiaFebruary 13, 201501563 If politics determine our education, we should determine the politics -Bhagat Singh Who are the fore bearers of the society? Who are those who will