Editor's Pick Education News Rising Stories Societyमानव सेवा के सुनहरे पन्ने लिख रहे शिंदेRise For IndiaAugust 25, 2017 by Rise For IndiaAugust 25, 201701330 सेवा के लिए नाम की, रुतबे की या पैसों की भी जरुरत नहीं। मन में नेकी और आदर्शपथ पर चलने की तैयारी ही साधारण मनुष्य
Editor's Pick Education News Rising Stories Societyअंग्रेजी स्कुलों को छोड सरकारी स्कुलों में आ रहे छात्रRise For IndiaAugust 23, 2017 by Rise For IndiaAugust 23, 201701439 चंद्रपुर की शिक्षा में नये नये प्रयोगों से आकर्षित हो रहे पालक जनसहभागिता से डिजीटल कक्षा और नित नये प्रयोगों में उच्च प्रशिक्षित शिक्षकों के
SocietyWhy Save The Kids When They Can Be Ignored? This Is How Our Nation Is Blind Towards Them!Rise For IndiaJune 6, 2015 by Rise For IndiaJune 6, 201501427 Save the kids! Save the kids who are sexually abused by spreading more and more awareness among their parents! Save the kids who are working
Education SocietyIsn’t Our Education System A Form Of Child Abuse? Here’s How It Is!Rise For IndiaJune 5, 2015 by Rise For IndiaJune 5, 201501137 Indian Education System defines CHILD ABUSE. Now this is something we need to talk about! And, this is something most of us did face. You
Society“My Father Asked Me To Remove My Pants, And Then Went To Get Some Oil,” This Is How It Started.Rise For IndiaJune 3, 2015 by Rise For IndiaJune 3, 20151227839 The purest relationship which perhaps exists in today’s world is that between a parent and a kid. In majority of the cases, both are deeply
SocietyThe Story Of A 7 Year Boy Who Was Abandoned By His Parents Proves That Humanity Still ExistsRise For IndiaJune 2, 2015 by Rise For IndiaJune 2, 201503810 Can a person be more hapless than the one being abandoned by his/her own parents? An involuntary response to this question would be ‘No’. But,
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Education SocietyShe Was Sexually Harassed At School, And The School Responded In A Way That Ended Her Life!Rise For IndiaMay 29, 2015 by Rise For IndiaMay 29, 201511200 Kamalika Das was just another teenager who went to school, had her friends, did her work, and every other thing about her life was regular.
CultureThe Plight Of A Girl Child Is More Horrific Than You Think. This Is What They Actually Face!Rise For IndiaMay 28, 2015 by Rise For IndiaMay 28, 2015051432 Isn’t it shameful that we live in the 21st century and even almost six decades after independence, female foeticide is still being committed in India?
SocietyThe 10 Year Old Raju Working In A Nearby Dhaba Left Me Speechless By Asking An Honest Question.Rise For IndiaMay 27, 2015 by Rise For IndiaMay 27, 201501955 Two days ago, our university results were announced and I got a backlog. Deep inside, I was frustrated and out of overreaction I spelt out