Culture Rising Stories UncategorizedJayanthi Kathale – Bringing Glamour to Maharashtrian FoodRise For IndiaMarch 30, 2018 by Rise For IndiaMarch 30, 201802871 A strong independent woman is an integral part of our society. But what motivates a woman to rise above social constraints and reach the top?
Rising Stories SocietyINTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY – Let us make EACH DAY A WOMEN’S DAY.Rise For IndiaMarch 8, 2018 by Rise For IndiaMarch 8, 201802282 On 8th of March every year there is so much hype about everything about women. Suddenly the social media and print media is flooded with
Campaigns Education SocietyBREAKING MENSTRUATION TABOOS ONE AT A TIMERise For IndiaSeptember 5, 2017 by Rise For IndiaSeptember 5, 201705069 Menstruation is considered Taboo Menstruation is a word that is mired in taboo. Even today one gets to hear stories of atrocities committed on girls
Culture Rising Stories Society Uncategorizedआम आदमी का सांस्कृतिक मंच बना ‘सृजन’Rise For IndiaAugust 31, 2017 by Rise For IndiaAugust 31, 201701255 चंद्रपुर ५०० वर्ष से अधिक की ऐतिहासिक परंपरावाला शहर है। यहां बौध्द संस्कृति, हेमाडपंथ के स्थापत्य और गोंड राजाओं के अद्भूत निर्माण के प्रमाण आज
Editor's Pick Rising Stories Societyकिसान की विधवा ने खेती से ही चमकायी अपनी किस्मतRise For IndiaAugust 27, 2017 by Rise For IndiaAugust 27, 201701379 किसानों की हालत पहले ही गंभीर है। ऐसे में यदि घर के इकलौते कमानेवाले हाथ ही उखड जाए तो उस परिवार की महिला के हाल
Editor's Pick Rising Stories Societyना ज्ञान, ना मैदान, फिर भी एथलेटिक्स में बनाई पहचानRise For IndiaAugust 16, 2017 by Rise For IndiaAugust 16, 201701168 चंद्रपुर जिला मुख्यालय से कोसों दूर चिमूर तहसिल का दुर्गम गांव है महादवाडी। आबादी लगभग ८५०। यहां की अनपढ़ और उम्रदराज महिलाओं ने मैदानी खेल में
Opinions Rising StoriesHow People See Breastfeeding In Public As A Crime, And It Is As Stupid As It Can Get!Rise For IndiaSeptember 18, 2016 by Rise For IndiaSeptember 18, 201601275 It was a lazy day at home after long tiring week. I was going through my Facebook page when an article popped up which had
Rising StoriesWhen Men Have Power To Make The World Women Friendly, But They Don’t Use It!Rise For IndiaAugust 8, 2016 by Rise For IndiaAugust 8, 201601191 Just the other day I came across few movies, a couple of speeches, few articles and a book on women, their sufferings and the uproar
Rising StoriesA Conversation With An Auto Driver Which Tells So Much About The Situation Of WomenRise For IndiaAugust 5, 2016 by Rise For IndiaAugust 5, 20160904 A few days back, I was going to meet one of my friend. Usually I take metro because of convenience, but due to some delays
News OpinionsIt’s Time For India’s Malala To Rise, And Here’s Why It Should Be You Girl!Rise For IndiaMay 19, 2016 by Rise For IndiaMay 19, 201602289 I hail from the largest democratic nation. Undoubtedly, I am a proud Indian. My country is one of the top ten culturally rich countries. I