
Technology is wonderful, but is technology in our country proving out to be a bane rather than a boon?

I thought to write this article, when I was travelling in a Mumbai local train and found that 8 out of 10 passengers sitting in the train are involved in their mobile phones. I do not have any problem of what they do, but before the inception of smart phones, we used to see passengers reading books, newspapers, magazine and novels. But, as the technology is advancing day-by-day, technology is taking away people from reading, discussing politics, debating on important issue. Now, youngsters as well as old persons are involved in their mobile phones.

I am not writing this article against technology, but what to convey people that, now a days, people are so busy in their mobile phones, and the reason behind this is computer has come in the hands. People can surf anything they want to, people can e-mail documents, prepare presentations, talk on WhatsApp etc. What this has done is that it has taken people from public sphere.

This article is not in relation to Smartphone only, but other technologies also; like television, computers etc. In olden days, when television was not there, family members used to discuss the day at the dining table, with lot of exchange of words, experience of each other, and at night before sleeping used to listen different stories from the parents or grandparents or read a book before going to the bed. This reflects love and affection in a family, but now time has changed, at the dining table all family members in a family watch some movies, serials, cricket match etc. and no talks relating to their day gone by. As I say before going to bed people used to read or listen stories, but, now playing games in a mobile or watching Television. We can say that, in today’s age, people are totally dependent only on these technologies.

Earlier, people used to interact with their office friends at some tea stall in a free time, discussing on different issue, sharing of jokes amongst them, but now, this has changed, people discuss it on social networking sites.

Another thing I would like to tell about children’s under the age of 16, because this is the age where child become mature. There are several researches done on children, whether children behave violently after playing violence games on smartphones, computer or watching something violating on Television. In America, in the wake of the killing of the school teacher Ann Maguire last week, the question has again been raised of whether playing violent video games could lead someone to commit murder. It’s a common link that we see suggested in the media whenever tragedies of this sort occur, but the scientific evidence simply doesn’t support these claims.

Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi on Teacher’s Day said that he wants India to get Digital- India. Yes, today technology is necessary and to get walk with the world, India too should bring up new technologies in everything like smart phones Android, computer and television. On Teacher’s Day Prime Minister also said that, use of different technologies is essential but use technologies to their limits, excessive use of technologies also lead to disadvantage.

Prime Minister also added that, a technology has made human being lazy. He said, whatever information human being needed, they just go to “Google Guru” for information. Internet gives us information not knowledge.

In olden days, when anyone needs knowledge of any topic, they go library and search that particular book, now books too are available on Internet. Today, students only reads the books of their syllabus for just get to pass in the examinations and not for seeking the knowledge.

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