News Opinions

That Was Paris, How Ready Is India? (Maybe Our Youth Can Help Too)

After Beirut the other day, Syria with its ongoing misery, and now Paris, how vulnerable is India? Is India resilient enough to retaliate similar threats? Isn’t Paris attack more than just an indication for the Indian territory to keep herself ready to confront Jihadi threats? Has the Paris attack still not been able to force us out of the couch of impuissance, fragility and languish? Are we ready to act first, before the terrorists?

True that, terrorism can easily out-compete the government in terms of brutality, but it can never compete with a nation’s ability to administer, monitor and exhibit itself as a nation that chooses to be intolerant to any threat that may come. Having put complete faith in the country’s police and intelligence force, which definitely needs to be strengthened at this juncture, it is also important to be aware as a citizen. Living in a country that populates as high as 1.2 billion, crowding specific metros like a smuggler’s tank which make places more vulnerable to such attacks, and merely leaving it on police force and bomb squads, who don’t even form 1/20th of the nation’s population, to prevent such attacks, makes no sense.

As youth of this country, can we think of doing something more than layering our profile pictures on networking sites with an affected nation’s flag, behind which someone is trying to look as gorgeous as possible? With India producing more engineers than different offices can house, and greater unemployment as a consequence, can these engineers be utilized by our government to train and increase the intelligence force, where technology and networking can be used to counter terrorism? And how ready is the youth to contribute to the nation’s safety?

Paris bombed a couple of  ISIS camps in Syria within 48 hours of the unforgiving misery. Counter attack on Bin Laden to death, was another instance of USA’s intolerance for 9/11 attack. India hanged Kasab.

Let’s not wait for another Friday, the 13th. Because candle march and prayers will not bring back the ones who are gone. Diplomatic sympathizing is not going to fix things.

Leaders are talking about world peace, questioning where it actually went wrong. Killers and assassinators are indoctrinated with irreversible myth and brainwashed to the extent of killing in the name of misplaced religious sanctity. The vicious cycle of attack and counter attack goes on. The alarm was set, and it rang. Every time we may not escape, lucky. There has been no big attack since 26/11 in India, but that does not mean the future will bring none. There can be no fool proof plan to stop intruders from entering our homeland. But, trying to pose as a powerful nation that is ready to strike a severe blow to any attack made on the nation, can surely slow down a probable attack.

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