
The Birth Of An Innocent RAPIST – The Other Side Of The Story

No one is born a rapist, he turns into one.

The seeds are sown in childhood and adolescence.

How does an innocent child who doesn’t even know how to speak, turn into a monster when he grows up?

There might be various reasons for this awful transformation. The factors which come to my mind are:

  1. The society severely restricts interaction between boys and girls post adolescence. This prevents boys and girls from being comfortable around each other. From a boy’s point of view, they very rarely get to know girls as persons. They are distinct beings for them and so they never get to know how they feel and react to situations.
  2. Since discussion about the opposite sex is generally taboo with elders in the family and parents, the teenagers’ information is generally obtained through movies and half cooked gossip.
  3. Being under the influence of hormones, the natural outlets are pornography, adult magazines etc. The easy availability of pornography coupled with very less or almost no interaction with the opposite-sex causes great frustration among the teens (especially boys).
  4. This prolonged frustration slowly culminates into perversion of the mind. A rapist doesn’t view women as persons. For them, a female body is an outlet for their frustration and lust. Statements of rapists over the years prove it vehemently.
  5. The way in which women are treated at his home. If he sees them being ill treated and subdued by force, he starts believing, subconsciously, that it is okay to ill treat women.

Boys and girls should interact. They should become friends. They should communicate. Boys generally communicate with their sisters and they are protective towards them.

It is so common in small town schools to have separate rows for boys and girls in classes. We all have heard about the joke “making a boy sit in a girls row was a punishment once”. It summarizes how we bring up our children. Isolating them from almost half of the population of their age at a time when their social awareness and character building takes place cannot yield good results.


It is because everyone is different. Everyone goes through different situations and conditions. In other words; what reaction a certain stimulus will elicit among different people cannot be foretold.

Movies show the male lead, pursuing and wooing the female lead. They also indulge in blatant and sometimes shameless objectification of women.  I am not saying that the movies are to blame. Of course, the viewer needs to exercise his judgment. The problem arises because the young impressionable viewer doesn’t have any foundation to lean on as to what is the proper way to treat women or what makes the girls and women uncomfortable, because of the closed nature of the society he grows up in. This is the only relationship he witnesses between a boy and a girl while growing up.

A mind once perverted, cannot be restored. The bearer of such a brain starts sinking deeper and deeper in the filth of such perversion. There is no looking back. He becomes a danger to the society.

Another repercussion of pornography and the professionally shot sex-scenes in movies is that it has made the ill-guided youngster mentioned above expect all that from his spouse. (Only the already perverted people are covered here. I repeat again that this is not an excuse by any stretch of imagination. It’s just inquisitiveness as to the reasons.)

This expectation leads them to force themselves upon their wives – MARITAL RAPE; making life hell for the wife.

I do not blame pornography, or the movies.

The blame lies with the society and the parents for not making an environment conducive for the sound mental health of the boys; turning them into beasts which torment innocent women, girls and even kids.

Please let the kids interact with the opposite sex! Don’t isolate them! Communication with girls at an early age will sensitize the boys to their problems and lives. We have to start young!

Note: The image used in this post is only for representational purpose.

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