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The Shocking Video Of A Kid Being Hanged Upside Down – Any Guesses Who Did It And Why?

From the land of Madhya Pradesh where eight cases of rape, sexual abuse and child abuse cases are registered every day, comes another case of brutality and abuse.

This incident took place in Obedullaganj, Raisim district, which is in Bhopal.

A 10 year old child was hanged upside down from a tree with a rope by his own uncle as a punishment for missing school. The man behind this horrendous approach (Brijesh Yadav) was standing there with a cane, while the boy who was hung, and claimed that he was disciplining the child so that he doesn’t repeat his mistakes.

Surprisingly there were many onlookers around witnessing the scenario but none of them came forward to protest against the aforesaid vile act.

Lord Ganesha once said that his parents mean the world to him which is not just a line from a tale. Parents and guardians do mean the world to almost every child. It’s quite disheartening to abide with the fact that there are people present among us who treat their children like animals. His act was on caught on camera, you can watch it here.

Though the person was detained by the police but it’s quite hard to say where the future of our children is headed. Cases of child abuse is not something new In Madhya Pradesh. According to the child report of NCRB (National Crime Reports Bureau) M.P. stands at fourth place after Rajasthan, Maharashtra and U.P.

It’s quite shameful that so little is being done to protect the ones whom we claim to be the future of our nation. Children are supposed to be mischievous, it’s quite natural for them to do mistakes but it’s fairly impossible for us to understand how much traumatized and petrified a child gets when they are introduced to such inhuman measure in the name of discipline and proper demeanor.    

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