Editor's Pick Opinions

This Is How We Are Tolerant Towards All Evils, But Intolerant Towards Lesser Important Issues

I do not belong to any community nor do I support any political party. This is my secular article for my secular country questioning its secularism.

Let us introspect ourselves of what is being tolerant that is being hyped by our media today?

I cross the railway track every morning at around 9.00 am from my house to office. What I see from my fellow travelers [bickers, autorickshaws, cars, etc] is that they block the other side of the traffic with great tolerance and do not allow free flow of traffic by following the rules just as I keep thinking of this I see an educated gentleman using depraved words at the opposite guy. Thoughts rolling about being tolerant, I continue further driving my car and I see people who have great tolerance just gush with great speed as though they are on Formula 1 racing track and create hindrance and stop school children and women from crossing the road or even scare the day lights out of them.

I see taxi drivers staring at women drivers, honking continuously or even shouting at them [passing comments] with great tolerance.

Meanwhile I get to see great news on my mobile that our tolerant Indian has raped a 5 year old kid by luring her with chocolate. A woman and her child being thrown out of their matrimonial house for dowry and now they are on streets. Teenager killed in acid attack for resisting tolerant Indian sexual advances. 10 year old boy kidnapped for ransom.

On the other side of the road I see a tolerant Indian stoning a poor animal for wagging its tail near his shop. And a tolerant man trying to beg and bribe a police man for fining him for traffic violation without any remorse.

With all these thoughts I enter the parking lot of my office building just to see that two of the tolerant educated Indian fighting over the undesignated parking lot and claiming it to be their parking space.

Tolerance is prevalent everywhere in this country. Recipients of awards returning the awards citing intolerance in country over beef ban, issues relating to Film Television Institute of India, killing of writers, etc. And now they are trying to pretend that tolerance never existed in secular India and all over the world.

Were we ever exhibiting greater tolerance in the past, over religion or any another aspect of our life?

NO! Humans were and are hardly tolerant of other that opposes their faith in some way.

If tolerance ever existed:

Why would there be Ramayana? Why was Ravana not tolerance against Rama and Lakshmana for cutting shoorpanaka’s nose even after being warned by celestial voice?

What paved way for Mahabharata? Why Kauravas weren’t tolerant of their brother’s Pandavas?

Why was ever Jesus Christ crucified?

Why are there so many sects and sub sects in Hindus, Muslims and Christians?

Why the World War I and II happened?

Why the quest for being elected as a central power by the politicians exists?

Why does every nation desire to have a veto power and achieve the status of being a power block?

Why don’t we tolerant Indians give away Kashmir to our neighbor to demonstrate our tolerance?

Wake up India! Fighting for meager issues and leaving out vital issues is not tolerance. Tolerance is not something that can be achieved over night by returning awards or degrading others. Each religion has its unique beliefs, practices, goals and paths of attainment, and the doctrines of one often conflict with those of another. India has in the past witnessed many incidents of communal violence which we have successfully won.

Wage a war with your inner conscious and show intolerance towards crimes against corruption, crimes against women and children, crimes against animal, against weak, against your own self when you violate traffic rules, against your own self when your ego is at the peak to destroy others who are incapable of fighting against you.

Show up your intolerance while bringing in righteousness, patience, development to make your nation strong to bring in 100% literacy, 100% employment, 100% crime free, 100% wealth and prosperity.

Do not let politicians encash our sentiments via religion, cast and creed. Fight back now and show your intolerance towards them for creating a mockery of us. Use your strength and knowledge in prospective aspects and show up unity in diversity.

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