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A Teenager In A Short Dress On A Scooter And A Foreigner Were Harassed Because They Were ‘WEAK’

Gone are the days when women were thought to be weak and dumb, gone are the days when women were not allowed to work, gone are the days when their work area was confined to kitchen and household, gone are the days when women were subject to ‘sati pratha’, gone are the days when women were not allowed to take the lead. However, the days that are left behind are those where a woman is still considered a woman- different from men- a body full of attraction, meant only to be used for fulfilling lewd desires of men.

Woman is worth worshipping and is termed invaluable, but in contemporary society, women are trafficked and their value is quoted for big bucks. It is only in hands of a woman to raise the world and so is every woman a gift of almighty. Thus, every girl has a mother vested in her. The maniacs not only rape a girl but at same time rape a mother, a sister, a daughter and a friend.

Though in today’s society it is said that MEN and WOMEN are equal but if it is so then why molestation cases are heard only in case of women? It is heart-throbbing to know that around 24,923 rape cases were reported in year 2013 and many folds are not even reported. Why no such cases are reported in case of men and does this still show that women are not strong enough to rape men. Some men think that to rape is their manliness but these impotent people are actually those sadist cowards with a viral brain who are far weaker than a woman to challenge and win over her while treading the correct path and thus, resolve to such sordid and coward acts to defeat a woman, to shatter her in race of life.

However, my motive behind the article is not to denounce the very impotence and weakness of men but to highlight the agony and plight of women who are slaughtered whenever they try to fly. The world is certainly not safe for women to live up to her spirits.

Recently a 15 year old girl was burnt alive in UP by 4 men when she voiced complaint against their misbehaviour. An innocent girl was raped in UP by a maniac with a motive of taking revenge from a police officer. Every such case sparks fear within a girl that such incident could also happen to her and thus we are forced to shut our mouths towards injustice around us.

Another weapon used against girls is acids. None of us can forget the pain of Sonali Mukherjee and Laxmi, victims of fiery acid attacks who are still surviving its atrocities.  May be your sister or your daughter be a victim of such attack soon.

The incident that I am going to narrate now will indeed plunge every true Indian to intense grief for bearing the curse of having ill maniacs. It’s a true incident of Indore, a city of M.P. where outside my college my friend was treading back to her hostel when suddenly she felt a thud on her back. She turned around and saw a bewildered foreigner woman. That woman as narrated to my friend had come to Indore for the first time and was in search of some address but was being chased by some eve-teasers on her way. They even touched her and she was actually harassed by them. She somehow managed to escape them but was vividly filled with immense fear and insecurity. Tears rolled down her cheeks and after inquiring about the address from my friend, that lady told her in fear that “I will never return to this land again”. Though my friend had a strong conscience and she helped that stranger but as a country we failed to follow our doctrine- “Athithi Devo Bhava”.

I witnessed another horrifying incident yesterday, while riding back home from college when I saw from the rear view mirror of my scooter that 3 men gathered around a teenager who was wearing shorts while riding a scooter. The patch of road was silent and was scarcely populated by some nuclear homes. They tried blocking her way troubling her and though I felt like hitting them with a hammer but the reality was that there was nothing I could do to punish them.

I slowed my scooter and tried to note the number on their plate but before I could do so, they speeded up their bikes when she shouted for help and eloped away safely. They did their bit and enjoyed their share of fun, but we failed to catch them and to add to it, that girl was filled with remorse. I could make out from her red cheeks flooded with terror that she would either never ride alone or will not wear a short dress again; another case, where ultimately a girl decided to sacrifice her freedom despite no mistake on her part.

What do you think? How can we safeguard such young woman? By cutting off her feathers or by jailing her within walls of our houses? There seems no other practical solution in this wicked scenario. It seems that to sacrifice with happiness and freedom is the destiny of a woman.

Sometimes I feel are we women really a weaker section of society?  Because whatever we do, whenever we try to grow, we are simply massacred by devils and believe me once the feathers are cut, we are shattered badly to fly again.

I may sound a backward girl writing this article but believe me or not, the very fear to be raped takes away our freedom. No legal justice, no court’s judgement can bring back the virginity and sanctity of a girl which is forever breached. On top of it the hypocritical society adds all the more fuel to the miseries of the victim women. Instead of condemning the sordid act they cut-off the very threads for such women. Hardly anyone agrees to accept her.

Although we see candle marches for the sake of peace of the victim woman’s soul in some cases but in most other cases,  truth is that the charred soul of the rape victim is burnt all the more by the society and the media.

We may talk of strengthening women in the society but always when a girl is raped, her soul is butchered; she is robbed of her sanctity. Thus till women are considered WOMEN, different from MEN, we will have to admit that women will fear wearing shorts, they will fear to fly high, they will fear to raise their voice against social injustice because ultimately at the end of the day what matters the most to us is our safety and on top of it- our Sanctity which we are entitled to safeguard at any cost. Once our dignity is trespassed, only we know that our lives are set on havoc forever and then all the philosophical thoughts of strengthening women seems to be trifle.

Note: Image is only for representational purpose.

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