
The “Yo” Generation – #Super Crazy #Awesome #WiredGenes……….#Not Real At All


The latest trend hiking up these days is people becoming more social to those who are out of their families, oh! And if by chance they do connect with family members they would be their so called cool cousins or their gadget freak uncles and aunts or even parents sometimes, to match up with their super crazy kids.

Sitting in the balcony in the perfect monsoon weather, cloudy and little sunny, the breezing cold breeze rushing through my hair, with awesome ginger tea and lights, me and a friend started talking about TV shows of 90s. We used to watch so many awesome TV Serials. “Ghost Busters, Shaktiman, Little Mermaid and lots more” and then out of nowhere, I picked up my phone and opened Facebook and scrolling down , I found this post with a thoughtful smiley “Am I the only one not following/playing Pokemon Go?” And you go like, Oh yea, I have no clue what that is but have heard people talking about it. Anyway, I click “Like”, yes I did that as well.

Then happened this thought rush in my brain – how obvious people have become these days? There will obviously be some category of people who follow A, considering something as being trendy and considering it to be their style icon sort of a thing. And then there is this category of people who are aware of something trending in their peer groups but still don’t give a damn. “Yeah I have just heard the name, no idea what is it about” like “Game of thrones”. And then there will be this another category of people who have no clue about what is trending because they are so busy and happy with their lives, may be the most peaceful souls in the world, who are popularly quoted statements like “Dude, you must die….!” Or  “Bhai…… Tu Deh to Ek baaar, Jabar hai bey….!” Anyway, there are lots more than these.

And these pages and groups which are created on Facebook have become so obvious these days, they are 1000% sure that posting something on which lesser people would focus will some or the other way get their crazy , so called smart Facebook pages numerous likes!

I watched a movie the other night, “NERVES”, that’s one crazy online game where you are given a dare as per the public’s choice, your entire life is under surveillance, what you eat, where you go, whom do you talk to, and every bits and pieces of your life. You may have to rob, beat, get beaten, cheat, kill or get killed! That is the perfect picture of how today’s generation has become, it is even possible that the involvement of today’s generation so much into social media and being connected on gadget and scoring/winning real time games online making them more competitive with each other where they would not even hesitate in killing each other.

Few years back when technology had started enhancing there came a very famous quotation in my mind, “Humans create computers, do not let computers slave you!” Aaaand BINGO! Half of our generation has already become gadget freak slaves, whose lives are totally dependent on electronics scores, electronic money they earn crossing every level of some stupid gaming app and there is another half of those people who consist of “I m not interested types” and “No idea dude!”

People have stopped thinking from their hearts or individually through their minds, they have all started becoming one of those, who would wonder if I think by heart I might lose. But how can I loose in my freaking life, this is just a game ya! They never realize how addiction of these things has started to kill humanity, brotherhood, feelings and emotions! Care for each other, so much of extra competitive environment, as if everyone is in a hurry to the ruler of this world!

High time people, wake up! There are a lot of sensible things which can be done without the use of technology, something which can actually make this world a better place!

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