SocietyLack of food is not what’s keeping poor people hungry. Some shocking facts about hungry IndiaRise For IndiaJanuary 15, 2015 by Rise For IndiaJanuary 15, 201501804 As I walk down the road to my home every day from office, I find myself walking through a lane flanked by hollow bellies selling
Politics5 reasons why I am not Charlie Hebdo and why I am not supposed to do what he didRise For IndiaJanuary 14, 2015 by Rise For IndiaJanuary 14, 20150934 The chain of tragedies and horrific killings that had gripped the world at large I thought had somewhere ended with the end of 2014. But
UncategorizedFew Unanswered questions left by the legendary captain and player of ODI & T20Rise For IndiaJanuary 13, 2015 by Rise For IndiaJanuary 13, 20150931 A person with almost everything on his side chooses to quit the game that he loves the most, instead of giving it another try through
Culture EducationWhat’s wrong with this generation’s kids? The answer is certainly not what you expected.Rise For IndiaJanuary 11, 2015 by Rise For IndiaJanuary 11, 201501235 Kid’s Today Complaining about kids and their behaviour, especially those about pre-teens and teens, seem to be the right of every senior generation. The tradition
SocietyGandhi ‘experimented’ with women’s sexuality in undignified ways. Truth which is hard to digest.Rise For IndiaJanuary 11, 2015 by Rise For IndiaJanuary 11, 201516446 Being the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi had huge responsibilities on his shoulders. And the majority of people feel that he did a great
SocietyThis is how every citizen has contributed in giving birth to something as terrible as RAPERise For IndiaJanuary 10, 2015 by Rise For IndiaJanuary 10, 201501781 The moment has arrived for India when we should look back and retrospect what has gone wrong in the past decade. They said we will
Politics11 Harry Potter characters that we can easily find in our own governmentRise For IndiaJanuary 10, 2015 by Rise For IndiaJanuary 10, 201501147 The diversity in our country which we constantly talk about is also clearly evident in our politics as well if you look closely. There are
PoliticsGita as the National Scripture – The last time I checked we were living in a secular countryRise For IndiaJanuary 9, 2015 by Rise For IndiaJanuary 9, 20150789 When the tricolor fluttered high in the sky on 15th August 1947, the world witnessed the birth of the world’s largest democracy. And it also
EducationIt’s really sad and shameful, what disciplinary corporal action can actually do to a childRise For IndiaJanuary 9, 2015 by Rise For IndiaJanuary 9, 20150870 Corporal punishment is actively discouraged all over, yet there are many who believe raising a hand on one’s child now and then, it is for
Culture‘Has religion done more harm than good to our society?’ Here is what theists and atheists say about it.Rise For IndiaJanuary 8, 2015 by Rise For IndiaJanuary 8, 201501086 When one has argued with theists as much as I have and followed their manner of arguing with as much attention as I have, one