SocietyTypecasting- The Indian Version of itRise For IndiaOctober 16, 2014 by Rise For IndiaOctober 16, 20140845 Calling us Indians, Typecast, is wrong, Right?? We are after all the people who fought off the British who used to treat us as second
BusinessEntrepreneurship: The new game plan for a better IndiaRise For IndiaOctober 15, 2014 by Rise For IndiaOctober 15, 20140864 The idea of doing a story on young entrepreneurs and how the employment as well as educational scenario of our nation is changing came across
EducationLessons learnt from the most loved Idiots ever!!Rise For IndiaOctober 14, 2014 by Rise For IndiaOctober 14, 20140790 Though Bollywood movies are known for their melodrama, goofy comic relief props and loud music, there are always exceptions to this rule. There have been
PoliticsMAHA BREAKUP of Indian Politics – The move on though is unlikelyRise For IndiaOctober 13, 2014 by Rise For IndiaOctober 13, 20140699 Undoubtedly, untouchability is a malpractice. It should not be allowed though it still prevails in the rural India and also in cities like Jaipur. The
EnvironmentThe impact of floods in Kashmir is much deeper than it lookedRise For IndiaOctober 12, 2014 by Rise For IndiaOctober 12, 201401061 Sep 7, the valley of Kashmir witnessed worst ever floods in some 70 years. Human lives lost, loss to thousands of crore of immovable property,
PoliticsOpen Letter to Pakistan – Live and Let LiveRise For IndiaOctober 10, 2014 by Rise For IndiaOctober 10, 20140836 Hello Pakistan, First of all, Kaise he aap? I have heard things about your country going into the gutter. You can’t provide basic facilities, safety,
CultureHas Secularism been only limited to our constitution or does it actually exist?Rise For IndiaOctober 8, 2014 by Rise For IndiaOctober 8, 20140866 Over the past one month, I have been a mute spectator to all the news pieces, articles and blogs that are being published over the
CultureFrom TV Series in Hollywood to Daily Soaps in India: For crying out loud, when are we going to change?Rise For IndiaOctober 6, 2014 by Rise For IndiaOctober 6, 20140946 “Kthis kshould kbe kthe kname kof kmy kserial”, as thought upon by one of the so-called prominent directors of a genre of Indian TV serials
SocietyIf your boy wants to be a Tendulkar, its fine; then why not when he wants to become a Mahesh Bhupati?Rise For IndiaOctober 5, 2014 by Rise For IndiaOctober 5, 20140717 For a long time Cricket has been the only serious sport in India. The only game in which people could think of making a career,
EducationAre small scale social programs in our education system as effective as they claim to be?Rise For IndiaOctober 4, 2014 by Rise For IndiaOctober 4, 20140658 The good thing about having social-work duties as a college course is that they get you good grades and help elevate your total score (some