Education SocietyA READER LIVES A THOUSAND LIVES. IF YOU DON’T READ, YOU LIVE ONLY ONE.Aarti Mardhekar KagwadeFebruary 4, 2019February 4, 2019 by Aarti Mardhekar KagwadeFebruary 4, 2019February 4, 20194 13554 A typical everyday pre-bedtime scene at home until yesterday- Me: Krish, you have final 10 minutes to get hold of your book and start reading.
Editor's Pick SocietyWAYS TO STOP THE HABIT OF OVERSPENDINGShipra AggarwalDecember 12, 2018December 12, 2018 by Shipra AggarwalDecember 12, 2018December 12, 201804095 We all like shopping. Shopping makes us happy. For some it feels like the world is better after shopping. All these feelings add up to overspending.
Rising Stories SocietyADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH IS CRUCIALSona GuptaNovember 18, 2018 by Sona GuptaNovember 18, 201805260 Adolescence (10–19 years) is the most crucial period in a growing child’s life. It can be normal in many cases where the children grow and
Culture Society UncategorizedBeing a MOTHER……………Rise For IndiaMay 12, 2018 by Rise For IndiaMay 12, 201801564 From a classic poem written by William Ross Wallace entitled ‘What Rules the World’, he said that the hand that rocks the cradle is the
Culture Editor's Picks SocietyBeing a MOTHER……………Aarti Mardhekar KagwadeMay 12, 2018August 1, 2018 by Aarti Mardhekar KagwadeMay 12, 2018August 1, 201802202 From a classic poem written by William Ross Wallace entitled ‘What Rules the World’, he said that the hand that rocks the cradle is the
Opinions SocietyIN THE NAME OF CASTE AND RELIGIONRise For IndiaApril 21, 2018 by Rise For IndiaApril 21, 201803172 Caste differentiation has been ingrained in most of the people right from their childhood. They learn to look down upon people from the castes lower
Opinions SocietyIN THE NAME OF CASTE AND RELIGIONAarti Mardhekar KagwadeApril 21, 2018July 26, 2018 by Aarti Mardhekar KagwadeApril 21, 2018July 26, 201802129 Caste differentiation has been ingrained in most of the people right from their childhood. They learn to look down upon people from the castes lower
Rising Stories SocietyShrikrishna Shewale, travels across Adivasi villages on his bicycle – bare footRise For IndiaMarch 16, 2018 by Rise For IndiaMarch 16, 201801428 Inspired by humanity of Adivasi Culture, this young boy travels across villages with his bicycle on bare foot!!! 25 years old Shrikrishna Shewale, visited small villages
Rising Stories SocietyINTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY – Let us make EACH DAY A WOMEN’S DAY.Rise For IndiaMarch 8, 2018 by Rise For IndiaMarch 8, 201802292 On 8th of March every year there is so much hype about everything about women. Suddenly the social media and print media is flooded with
Editor's Pick Society“LEARN TO INSPIRE BEFORE WE EXPIRERise For IndiaFebruary 21, 2018 by Rise For IndiaFebruary 21, 201801317 ‘LOVE ‘ is a four letter word that the whole world desires for. It brings people together. But love is not present in the destiny